Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Telling Ain't Selling

Telling Ain't Selling

By Abhay Padgaonkar

"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." -- Sir Isaac Newton
A fundamental question in selling is not why people sell, but why people buy.

It is well known that people buy for their own reasons--not for the seller's. In fact, their motivation to buy may have very little to do with the reasons why the seller thinks they should buy. When it comes down to it, people buy something to meet their needs or resolve the problems they are facing. According to Neil Rackham, author of SPIN Selling, people decide to buy when "the pain of the problem and desire for a solution have been built to the point where they are greater than the cost of the solution."

A good sales professional can help customers come to that realization. But it doesn't happen as easily as you might think. Despite the fact that most people learn the basics of conducting needs analysis, customizing solutions, and linking benefits to pain in their Sales 101 class, when they are out in the real world, they forget to bring these classroom lessons to life and somehow their competence, composure, and confidence evaporates. Faced with self-induced, pressure-filled selling situations, they confuse telling with selling.

Equal and Opposite ReactionAs dairy farmers are apt to say, "Cows don't give milk. You have to take it from them." The same is true with selling. Nobody just gives you a sale. You have to take it. But how you "take it" is very counterintuitive. A natural tendency of most sellers is to rush in. And as the Newtonian principle outlines, the equal and opposite reaction on part of the buyers is to shut them out.

Like milking a cow, selling can be a delicate operation. While a customer probably won't threaten you with a hoof, you're still faced with the fact that the harder you push, the more push-back you get. Why? As President Truman once said: "The best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it." Nobody likes to be told what to do--not even children. Imagine going to a doctor who gives you the same prescription he gave the previous patient because it worked. By not listening, by not being inquisitive, by not clarifying assumptions, sellers come across as not caring--or caring more about themselves--and perpetuate the stereotypes of an arrogant, pushy salesman we all love to hate.

Breathing Your Own ExhaustSo, if you can't tell prospective buyers how good your products and services are for them, how the heck are you supposed to sell? Start by understanding how not to de-sell.

Most salespeople hate dead air. They become anxious. So they make every effort to fill the void by talking incessantly about what they know the most--their own products and services. They get excited about the value they offer and start spewing the features, advantages, and benefits.
Unfortunately, the more they talk the more they are de-selling. And the more their customers' eyes glaze over and heels dig in. Customers don't want to be talked at and pushed. They want to be understood. The ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes had it right when he said "We have two ears and one tongue so that we would listen more and talk less." As fundamental as this advice is, not talking can be very difficult for an enthusiastic sales professional.

The greatest conundrum in selling is this: You can't sell without a relationship. And you can't have a relationship unless you have sold and demonstrated value. You may be thinking that selling-by-listening only works in one-on-one selling, and not in more complex, B2B selling. You would be wrong. No matter how complex the sale, you're still dealing with real people who are making decisions--not faceless corporations. They have the same emotions as anyone else: ambition to do better, fear of failure, confusion with uncertainty, need to be recognized, etc.
Listen and LearnIf telling isn't selling, then what is? What actions can one take to break the vicious cycle and not to generate an undesirable, equal and opposite reaction? Counterintuitive as it sounds, the more successful salespeople are those that ask the most questions. Not just any questions, but smart questions posed in a systematic way. Neil Rackham, in his SPIN Selling Fieldbook, eloquently lays out a systematic approach to asking four types of questions as follows:

Situation: Finding out basic facts about the existing situation and establishing an overall context. This is ideally done through prior research so as not to bore the buyer to tears because they get very little value out of it.

Problem: Asking about the problems, difficulties, and challenges the buyer is experiencing with the present situation. People buy only when they have needs and needs almost always start with a dissatisfaction with the status quo. Follow-up questions identify, clarify, and expand the buyer's implicit needs.

Implication: Understanding the consequences and impacts of the situation, thereby transforming implicit needs expressed as problems into explicit needs. They build the significance and seriousness of the problem so that it is large enough to justify action.
Need-Payoff: Checking and assessing the value and usefulness of a solution in a positive and constructive way. They develop the buyer's desire for a solution and move the discussion toward action and commitment.

If you thought that asking questions in this manner is simple, think again. It is enormously difficult to have the confidence and patience to step through these without getting ahead of yourself. It requires tremendous planning, preparation, and practice. And most importantly patience.

Patience, My DearWhat makes sellers anxious is the pressure they put on themselves to persuade the buyer. When a sale is seen as a conquest, persuasion naturally becomes the modus operandi and telling appears to be the fastest, easiest, and safest way to the victory lap. However, if the sellers adopt a frame of mind to truly understand the buyer's point of view, they are likely to become less anxious. If they seek first to understand, then to be understood, they will be more comfortable in asking questions. Armed with the answers to these questions, they will have gained better insights into the buyer's world and will have earned the right to help them with a solution.

French philosopher Voltaire was right when he said many centuries ago: "Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers."

A management consultant, author, and speaker, Abhay Padgaonkar is the founder and president of Innovative Solutions Consulting, LLC, which provides advice on turning strategy into action to major clients such as American Express.

Advertising, Sales and Marketing Are You Believable? Most Salespeople Aren't

Advertising, Sales and Marketing
Are You Believable? Most Salespeople Aren't

by Art Sobczak

Ask just about anyone, and the "believability score" for salespeople as a group-unfortunately-would rank right down there with most types of advertising, the contractor who says he'll get back to you with a bid, and most politicians.

We're a nation of skeptics. Which is contradictory to the way we try to raise kids. We teach them to not lie, yet they learn that many messages they're exposed to can't really be trusted. I constantly hear phrases and claims from salespeople that cause the Bart Simpson-like response, "Yeah, right," or are just plain meaningless to the listener. Not only do these eat away valuable time on a call, they also chip at a salesperson's credibility.

What to DoPurge puffed-up phrases from your sales vocabulary, and replace them with specific action-oriented, results-type statements.

For example, instead of "We're committed to excellence," explain the excellence:
"We check every order three times to minimize errors."

Instead of, "We're service oriented," describe how:

"When you call with a question or problem, you dial the direct line of your own customer service rep who knows your account. You won't be bounced around between departments or have to deal with voice mail systems.

Here's one of my favorites. "We're the most respected name in the _____ business." What a pompous, self-serving, vain, and probably delusional, claim that is! Reminds me of the old Stuart Smalley routine from Saturday Night Live: "And doggone it, people like me!" When I hear the "most respected" claim, I laugh inside and think, "By whom, yourself?" If you want to establish your credibility among your peers or in the marketplace, be able to back it up. For example, "We were voted the number one provider of widget cleaning services, according to Widget Weekly Magazine."

And how many minutes have gone by since hearing "cost-effective"? Can anyone, anywhere give me a situation where a listener heard that term and said, "Oh, you're cost-effective? Wow! That's what we're looking for, since the vendor we're using now is cost-useless. Sign me up!"
Again, give examples. I guess "cost-effective" means that buyers get a return for their money. So describe the return in a way they can understand it, instantly: "With this new process, you'll immediately eliminate the extra hours it's now taking you to perform the sorting task by hand. Based on what you told me, that will come to over $200 per month. You'll get your initial cost back in just six months."

The theory I'm hammering home here is nothing more than substantiating your statements. Tell them what you'll do, then give facts to support the claim. And the more customized you tailor the statement to the prospect or customer, the more successful you'll be.
Art Sobczak helps sales pros use the phone to prospect, service and sell more effectively, while eliminating morale-killing rejection. To get FREE weekly emailed TelE-Sales Tips visit:

Tap Into Your Warm Market With SFI E-Cards

Tap Into Your Warm Market With SFI E-Cards

Does the thought of promoting SFI products to your friends and family fill you with apprehension? You're not alone. Many affiliates are hesitant to bring the subject up to those in their immediate circle.

There are many reasons. Some people are simply uncomfortable presenting their products to a friend or family member. Others may not know what to say...or fear being rejected by people close to them.

E-Cards to the rescue!

With E-Cards, you've now got an easy, convenient, and non-intrusive tool to introduce SFI to your friends and family with "just the right touch." Best of all, E-Cards are totally free for you to use!

How E-Cards Work

Basically, E-Cards are full-color digital postcards you can e-mail directly to friends and family. There are dozens of designs to choose from, with new designs added regularly. (NOTE: Your suggestions for additional designs are welcome!) You can choose cards promoting a variety of SFI products and services, including Veriuni Liquid Nutrition, the IAHBE, Natural Cleaning products, and more.

After choosing a design, simply add your own message. You also have the option of automatically inserting a link to your Gateway Website (the Gateway most appropriate for the card you've chosen) in your E-Card. Then, just click the Send button, and your postcard is delivered!
Your Warm Market Made Easy

Rejection has always been one of the toughest aspects of contacting friends and family (your "warm market"). In traditional network marketing, many people soon call it quits after having a couple friends or family members reject their proposals. E-Cards, of course, can't prevent somebody from responding negatively. However, by removing the face-to-face element, any "sting of naysayers" you may feel will be GREATLY reduced.

In addition, SFI has purposely kept E-Card content "light and breezy" to keep the communication casual. SFI's product E-Cards use very friendly language and/or a bit of humor to make contacting friends and family a comfortable experience for you.

Do you have a favorite SFI product that's working for you? Send a card featuring that product with a personal testimonial, and let your circle of friends and family members know they can get this great product through you.

Using E-Cards to contact your "warm market" also leaves all the "heavy lifting" to SFI. There's no need to know every little detail about the SFI opportunity or products. Just choose an E-Card, add a short, friendly little message, and send it. The full-color E-Card takes it from there!
Reducing The Pressure

Few affiliates contact their friends and family every time SFI comes out with a great new product or service, although they probably should. But who wants to get a reputation for always "bugging" friends and family?

Again, E-Cards to the rescue!

Each time SFI launches a new or upgraded product or service, we'll add a new E-Card that you can use to quickly send out a new round of friendly little announcement cards. No twisting of arms or getting in anyone's face with "high pressure" tactics. You're simply letting people know about the latest development pertaining to your business via a brief and friendly postcard.
And always remember, a huge component of prospecting is TIMING. Maybe an SFI wellness product, for example, didn't appeal to your friend six months ago. However, today the situation is different, and your friend has become more health conscious. A simple E-Card reminding him or her of the variety of SFI wellness products available may result in a sale...and a new satisfied customer!

Still Not Convinced?

If you're still questioning the merits of contacting your friends and family about SFI, consider this: If you found a great new product that actually made your home safer, made you feel healtheir, and/or saved you money in the long run, who would you tell about it? We're betting that it would be your closest friends and family members. Same thing with SFI. SFI's line of top-notch products are some of the best available anywhere—try them yourself, and you'll see. Why keep them a secret from those you care most about?PLUS...if you're sponsoring SFI affiliates, you'll also be happy to know that E-Cards provide an incredible value to your brand new team members. Your new personally sponsored affiliates are often very motivated to learn how to get started...but many are operating on a very small budget and cannot afford to invest in promotion or advertising for their products.

Once again, E-Cards delivers the solution!

Your new affiliates can get started IMMEDIATELY promoting their business for free. They need only grab the e-mail addresses of their "warm market" and start sending out E-Cards.
It's simple. It's easy. It's free. And ANYONE can do it!

You can start sending out E-Cards now at:


Note: We have found that warm markets respond best to product-focused marketing; therefore, SFI recommends you only send product/service E-Cards to your warm market. However, if you would like to present the SFI business opportunity to family and friends, SFI has a variety of cards available focusing on SFI's exciting program.

Important: E-Cards may be sent ONLY to friends and family members. To prevent abuse, there is a limit of 10 E-Cards per day that can be sent.

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