I have the BOLD text below as my New Affiliate Greeting. My downline affiliates who haven't upgraded to Executive Affiliate also get a slightly revised version.
Enter your own personalized affiliate greeting at the SFIMG Affiliate Center, go to My Account - Miscellaneous Account Options - My New Affiliate Greeting
You'll need to modify your letter copy if you're not a Team Leader. And of course, replace [Your Name] with your name at the top and bottom. The SUMMARY in italics at the bottom, may be kept with the letter, or not, as you prefer.
By the way, if you're not an EA yet - WHY NOT?
Don't you want to be rich?
Hi New Affiliate,
Welcome to SFI!
My name is [Your Name].
I'm an Executive Affiliate (EA) and Team Leader (TL) in SFI.
And I'm absolutely delighted that you're now on my SFI team!
As your SFI sponsor, I'm here to help you get off to a fast and profitable start.
My success is tied directly to yours,
so feel free to contact me to assist you with anything, anytime.
The purpose of this message is to give you some really great news!
And also to tell you a little bit about why I'm in SFI
so that you'll understand how you too will benefit, like me, by being in SFI.
Here are 4 of my reasons.
> SFI is a good honest company.
> I want to use SFI to make a good income.
> SFI gives me all I need to make becoming rich possible.
> SFI's founder, Gery Carson, can be trusted to deliver these things.
Now then...
I already know a couple of things about you.
You're not an Executive Affiliate in SFI... yet.
And, like me, I'm sure you want to become as rich as possible.
So, here's your good news.
I know how to quickly make us both rich with SFI.
And I have an excellent plan which will do just that.
The plan is below, right here in this letter.
I call it "3 Steps To Riches".
It's my recommendation, a path for you to follow,
based on my experience having found out what works with SFI.
In a word, it's DUPLICATION.
1) Become an Executive Affiliate, like me... preferably TODAY!
Because being, and staying, EA locks you into SFI's companywide Powerline
where you'll earn regular Executive Bonuses, a real live paycheck each month.
What you'll earn with this bonus is based on company earnings.
When SFI grows, your income grows with SFI!
*A single retail sale or a single purchase of SFI's products can make you EA.
2) Sponsor new affiliates... hopefully DAILY!
Because here you build your team and earn the more lucrative bonuses - Executive Matches and Team Matches.
This income can be bigger and better because your teamwork will make it so.
As your team succeeds you succeed along with them!
*Showing your free SFI websites to people can produce sponsored affiliates for you.
3) Send this same letter I've sent you to all your affiliates who aren't yet EA... I recommend REGULARLY!
Because Self-Discipline, Followup, Persistence, Duplication, and Teamwork
are what WILL make you a winner with SFI.
No one wants to be a loser.
SFI makes it possible, likely, and very easy for you to win, even win big!
SFI will indeed help YOU finally become the winner you've always wanted to be!
*People often need to see your offer several times before they can confidently respond.
That's it!
That's the plan!
It's as simple as 1, 2, 3!
If you'll show your sponsored affiliates your personalized version of this letter and plan,
over and over again,
they'll eventually understand how they, too, can easily and quickly become rich with SFI!
===> Important <<<===
This plan is believable. It is not hype!
This plan has been tested, and it really does work!
This plan will work for you... but only IF you will execute the plan!
You must be EA, and stay EA, just like me, if you hope to become rich in SFI!
You can be EA by either selling or buying SFI's products monthly.
You will be EA sooner or later, guaranteed, so why wait?
For best results and most benefits, I suggest that you... BECOME EA NOW!
If you'll upgrade to Executive Affiliate, here's what I'll do for you.
If you need help sponsoring people into SFI,
marketing any of the fine SFI products,
or advertising your SFI websites,
that help will be yours!
Please let me know.
EXTRA Help Is Available, TOO!
What else can I do to aid you with your new SFI business?
Are there any questions I can answer for you?
Is there anything I can clarify for you about the SFI Powerline program?
Have you been to SFI's extremely valuable Discussion Board
where you'll find much more information freely provided by other affiliates?
If there's anything at all that I can assist you with, please, don't hesitate to ask... anytime.
Bottom line - I'm here to do what I can to ensure your success in SFI.
SFI and I will help you build a profitable, worldwide Internet business.
MORE Good News for YOU!
Become a Team Leader in SFI by sponsoring only 5 Executive Affiliates.
Achieving the TL level positions you to earn the biggest money SFI offers.
That's about it. But there's just one more thing I'd like you know.
You may wonder how I maintain my personal Executive Affiliate status.
I have a monthly Standing Order for IAHBE.
(IAHBE is a subscription to SFI's International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs).
See http://www.iahbe.org/.
Why do I buy IAHBE?
IAHBE is online (no shipping and handling) and accessible worldwide.
IAHBE makes it easy and fun for me to operate my SFI business.
IAHBE is worth at least 100 times it's expense in value to me.
IAHBE costs me only $29.95 a month, less than $1 a day.
IAHBE gives me the 10 SVP monthly I need to stay EA.
IAHBE was my first choice to be EA because I wanted to become rich with SFI, fast.
And many of SFI's top Executive Affiliates and Team Leaders agree.
OK, that's enough about me... now how about you?
Are you ready and willing to follow this plan?
So that we both can become rich?
I certainly do hope so!
Remember these 3 important things.
> Be EA - Simply retail or buy SFI's products each month.
> Become a Team Leader - Simply sponsor 5 Executive Affiliates.
> Make big money with SFI - Simply create a team that does as you do.
Are you willing to do what I've done?
You can easily and inexpensively do exactly what I do and teach what I'm teaching you.
Just follow my example, and use "3 Steps To Riches".
It's all you need do to be a success with SFI.
Will you execute my plan?
Will you do what it takes for you to be EA
so that you can obtain wealth with SFI... just like me?
Or will you continue just barely getting by, by not becoming EA?
OK, it's time for you to decide - the next move is yours!
Join SFI's Top Earners... Go EXECUTIVE!
Click on the link below or place it in your browser.
1) Become EA yourself... right away.
2) Sponsor new affiliates as often as you can.
3) Encourage as many of your sponsored affiliates as you can
to become EA like you as soon as possible, assisted by SFI, as
often as it takes for the few go-getters, the best ones you can
identify and help support, to understand what to do and do it.
Then repeat 1-3 each month, and advise them to repeat each month.
Nothing hard about it. No personal websites needed. It's free, or can be.
You can become rich as you want simply by doing steps 1-3,
but you and your team must do every step, over and over again,
or in other words, everyone must do his/her part
to do a little easy work for SFI before SFI will reward you with commission.
If you don't do your part, don't expect to earn anything from SFI.
But by doing your part, using the 3-Step Plan,
SFI will reward you and your team handsomely
for your efforts, your sales, and your teamwork!
With DUPLICATION... it's quick, easy, and fun!
Till next time.
Your sponsor in SFI,
[Your Name]
P.S. HERE'S Another Major HINT!
Try replacement buying.
Here's what I mean by that.
SFI products are of such high quality that
you might find it better to buy from your own SFI Store.
Find something you now get elsewhere and use frequently, and then consider getting it instead from SFI.
Thus, you'll have no extra out-of-pocket expense to be EA each month!
Neat, huh? You can be EA for FREE!
And you'll quite likely save money doing it too!
SFI's Earnings Calculator will show you the amount of money you can
earn by being EA and sponsoring EAs, from now on.
Login to the SFI Affiliate Center, then use this link for SFI's Earnings Calculator.
Logon to the SFI Affiliate Center, then use this link for Success with SFI... "as simple as 1,2,3!"
You can do it... just like I am. And I'll help you!
If each of us does just a little work each month,
in other words...
===>>> Use the Extremely Simple and Easily Applied 3-Step Plan, <<<===
to do your part,
then I can confidently predict,
we as a team WILL make very good money with SFI.
Finally a quote from Gery Carson, Founder and President of SFI:
"As for the comp plan, you simply have to be a TL. Period.
This keeps the comp plan clean, simple, and puts the big money within reach of every affiliate."
Visit the SFI Discussion Board
for an almost unbelievable amount of Fabulous FREE Information!
Here's to you and me getting rich with SFI... soon!
Remember, so that they'll eventually come to understand how SFI works,
and so that they and YOU will make BIG money in your new business,
ensure that affiliates you sponsor see this message regularly!
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Q: I don't feel my sponsor is properly supporting me. Can I be provided with a new sponsor?
Q: I don't feel my sponsor is properly supporting me. Can I be provided with a new sponsor?
A: If you don't like your sponsor, you can opt of SFI for six months and rejoin under any SFI affiliate of your choosing. However, even without factoring in losing six months of productivity, it's a bad decision in my opinion. I say this because I believe focusing on what your sponsor does or doesn't do is completely irrelevant to your success.
Before I started SFI, I was extremely successful for many years as a distributor in several network marketing companies. I built groups numbering in the many tens of thousands—generating millions of dollars in sales. I was wildly successful, yet I essentially never heard from my sponsors or received any upline assistance. I knew what I wanted to do, and I went out and did it. I didn't need a sponsor to succeed...and neither do you!
A good sponsor should be looked upon as "icing on the cake" ONLY. That is, if you're fortunate enough to have chosen a sponsor who supports you to your satisfaction, that's great. On the other hand, if you're not completely satisfied with the support your sponsor provides, that's okay, too, because whatever success you achieve is always going to come down to what YOU do and no one else.
As most longtime SFI affiliates know, one of my guiding mottos has always been, "If it's to be, it's up to me." NEVER, EVER allow yourself to think your sponsor, other upline members, or anyone else controls what level of success you achieve. Blaming anyone else for your lack of success is a defeatist attitude that will keep you from ever achieving your dreams. YOU and YOU ALONE are responsible for your success! Don't' ever forget that!
Now that you understand that, let's look at this from another angle: What do you expect your sponsor to do for you? He or she can't magically turn you into a success (that's up to you, as I've explained above). What a sponsor CAN and SHOULD do, however, is help you with your concerns, help you get your questions answered, etc.
Hopefully, your sponsor is providing this service. If not, however, you're FAR from being left out in the cold. You can go to your upline Team Leaders. You have up to six of them listed at:
There's also the SFI "DBoard" (www.sfidboard.com).The DBoard is like having a hundred sponsors! Indeed, the DBoard is a place where thousands of experienced moderators and fellow SFI affiliates gather to discuss SFI topics and help each other with problems, questions, and concerns. You can get help 24 hours a day from the DBoard by simply posting a question.
Finally, there's SFI corporate support. Our staff stands ready to help you with any problem or question you have. Just e-mail us at support@sfimg.com and you will receive an reply, usually within one to two business days.
Q: OK, I see now how I don't actually need a good sponsor, but can't SFI make my sponsor answer my e-mails or at least penalize him for being non-supportive?
That's a very loaded question! First of all, realize that all SFI affiliates are INDEPENDENT representatives. They are not employees. Just as we can't force you to answer your e-mails, we can't force your sponsor or anyone else to do it either.
The vast majority of affiliates DO answer their e-mails because, of course, that's how you build a profitable organization. Beyond putting that incentive out there, however, there's not much else we can do, particularly because we have NO WAY of knowing the status of your or their e-mails.
That is, because of misconfigured spam filters, millions of legitimate e-mails every day are not delivered or are routed to "junk" folders where they're never seen. The fact is, your sponsor may not be receiving the e-mails you send him or her. Or, he or she may be receiving them and replying to them, but your ISP is not delivering or junking the e-mails.
There's NO WAY we can know exactly what is occurring. There's no way to determine if it's your sponsor who is not responding to your e-mails, of if your sponsor's ISP, or your ISP is dropping the ball.
Because this cannot be known, punishment for "non-support" just doesn't work. If we suddenly cut off your check because someone in your downline reported that they had e-mailed you and didn't hear back from you, you'd likely be very upset. You'd probably think a lawsuit was in order in fact. Especially if you actually DID respond but through no fault of your own the e-mails never got delivered.
Now, all that said, there IS something coming to SFI that will change this dynamic. It's called "A2A" and is our new Web-based messaging system that will allow messaging between upline and downline members.
A2A, which stands for "Affiliate To Affiliate" will also allow you to send messages back and forth with ANY affiliate in SFI. This will be particularly valuable because you can precisely select affiliates. You will be able to directly communicate with affiliates in your country, for example...or, of same gender and age...or, choose affiliates who joined SFI the same time you did...and so on.
In regards to your sponsor, however, A2A will provide SFI for the first time with the ability to know if a sponsor is not responding to requests from downline members. This is because A2A operates 100% on our servers. There are no outside ISPs used. When you send a message to your sponsor using A2A, we'll know it was sent and delivered. We'll know if your sponsor responded, and we'll be able to take the appropriate actions if not.
A: If you don't like your sponsor, you can opt of SFI for six months and rejoin under any SFI affiliate of your choosing. However, even without factoring in losing six months of productivity, it's a bad decision in my opinion. I say this because I believe focusing on what your sponsor does or doesn't do is completely irrelevant to your success.
Before I started SFI, I was extremely successful for many years as a distributor in several network marketing companies. I built groups numbering in the many tens of thousands—generating millions of dollars in sales. I was wildly successful, yet I essentially never heard from my sponsors or received any upline assistance. I knew what I wanted to do, and I went out and did it. I didn't need a sponsor to succeed...and neither do you!
A good sponsor should be looked upon as "icing on the cake" ONLY. That is, if you're fortunate enough to have chosen a sponsor who supports you to your satisfaction, that's great. On the other hand, if you're not completely satisfied with the support your sponsor provides, that's okay, too, because whatever success you achieve is always going to come down to what YOU do and no one else.
As most longtime SFI affiliates know, one of my guiding mottos has always been, "If it's to be, it's up to me." NEVER, EVER allow yourself to think your sponsor, other upline members, or anyone else controls what level of success you achieve. Blaming anyone else for your lack of success is a defeatist attitude that will keep you from ever achieving your dreams. YOU and YOU ALONE are responsible for your success! Don't' ever forget that!
Now that you understand that, let's look at this from another angle: What do you expect your sponsor to do for you? He or she can't magically turn you into a success (that's up to you, as I've explained above). What a sponsor CAN and SHOULD do, however, is help you with your concerns, help you get your questions answered, etc.
Hopefully, your sponsor is providing this service. If not, however, you're FAR from being left out in the cold. You can go to your upline Team Leaders. You have up to six of them listed at:
There's also the SFI "DBoard" (www.sfidboard.com).The DBoard is like having a hundred sponsors! Indeed, the DBoard is a place where thousands of experienced moderators and fellow SFI affiliates gather to discuss SFI topics and help each other with problems, questions, and concerns. You can get help 24 hours a day from the DBoard by simply posting a question.
Finally, there's SFI corporate support. Our staff stands ready to help you with any problem or question you have. Just e-mail us at support@sfimg.com and you will receive an reply, usually within one to two business days.
Q: OK, I see now how I don't actually need a good sponsor, but can't SFI make my sponsor answer my e-mails or at least penalize him for being non-supportive?
That's a very loaded question! First of all, realize that all SFI affiliates are INDEPENDENT representatives. They are not employees. Just as we can't force you to answer your e-mails, we can't force your sponsor or anyone else to do it either.
The vast majority of affiliates DO answer their e-mails because, of course, that's how you build a profitable organization. Beyond putting that incentive out there, however, there's not much else we can do, particularly because we have NO WAY of knowing the status of your or their e-mails.
That is, because of misconfigured spam filters, millions of legitimate e-mails every day are not delivered or are routed to "junk" folders where they're never seen. The fact is, your sponsor may not be receiving the e-mails you send him or her. Or, he or she may be receiving them and replying to them, but your ISP is not delivering or junking the e-mails.
There's NO WAY we can know exactly what is occurring. There's no way to determine if it's your sponsor who is not responding to your e-mails, of if your sponsor's ISP, or your ISP is dropping the ball.
Because this cannot be known, punishment for "non-support" just doesn't work. If we suddenly cut off your check because someone in your downline reported that they had e-mailed you and didn't hear back from you, you'd likely be very upset. You'd probably think a lawsuit was in order in fact. Especially if you actually DID respond but through no fault of your own the e-mails never got delivered.
Now, all that said, there IS something coming to SFI that will change this dynamic. It's called "A2A" and is our new Web-based messaging system that will allow messaging between upline and downline members.
A2A, which stands for "Affiliate To Affiliate" will also allow you to send messages back and forth with ANY affiliate in SFI. This will be particularly valuable because you can precisely select affiliates. You will be able to directly communicate with affiliates in your country, for example...or, of same gender and age...or, choose affiliates who joined SFI the same time you did...and so on.
In regards to your sponsor, however, A2A will provide SFI for the first time with the ability to know if a sponsor is not responding to requests from downline members. This is because A2A operates 100% on our servers. There are no outside ISPs used. When you send a message to your sponsor using A2A, we'll know it was sent and delivered. We'll know if your sponsor responded, and we'll be able to take the appropriate actions if not.
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