Thursday, August 03, 2006

How To Become Financially Independent In Less Than 3 Years Through SFI

How To Become Financially Independent In Less Than 3 Years Through SFI
by Winston Saga

Wish you all a great month. I am sure this year is going to be a year of Prosperity, Abundance and Great Health.

There is a time to sow and a time to reap. If you sow more, you will reap more. If you sow little, you will reap little. You cannot sow and reap in the same season. Everything has a season.
If you think of poverty, you will become poor. If you think of prosperity, you will become rich. If you keep your mind healthy, your body will be healthy. If your mind is weak and timid, the body will become sick and stressed out.

People always talk about their bills, pay checks, and their circumstances. I will advise you to talk to your inner mind and also to your friends and family about good health, prosperity and happiness. The more positive thoughts you feed your mind, the healthier your mind and body becomes.

A good friend of mine became a millionaire in one year using "auto suggestion." Auto Suggestion helps you to reprogram your subconscious mind. If your mind is negative, filled with fear, doubt, and worry, you will live in a negative vibration all the time. Everything in this world is energy. We are nothing but energy. If you have negative energy all the time, you will have a very painful life. If you have positive energy, you will have a very successful and fruitful life.
It is very easy to change from negative to positive. It takes 21 to 30 days to change the way you think. Start saying to yourself,

I am a happy person, and I make other people happy.
I always think good thoughts in my mind.
I am very rich. I am a Millionaire.

Repeat that 100 times before going to bed. The good news is you don't have to meditate or relax your mind. Again, repeat it 100 times when you wake up in the morning. Right through the morning, repeat the same affirmation. Your old thoughts will come and bombard you, but don't worry...slowly, your old thoughts will give way to the new thoughts. If you want to become rich, you should think of riches all the time. If you want to be healthy, you should think of health all the time. If you want to be poor, think of poverty all the time. It is your golden choice.

Enjoy every minute of your life. See life to the fullest. The mediocre see the cup as half empty, a prosperous person see it as half full. Whenever you have time, say to yourself:

I am healthy. I am happy. I am rich. I am successful. I love myself. I reject all thoughts that cause worry and anxiety. Worry is a useless habit. I am calm and peaceful person. I always make other people happy. I am kind person. I give my love to the poor and needy.

You cannot become rich by working for someone. You will make your boss and your company rich. SFI could make you rich with as little as 20 minutes a day. Send newsletters to your affiliates every week. Send motivational tips. The way you can make money in SFI is by helping other people. The more people you help, the more successful you become.

SFI really works. Become an Executive Affiliate and start earning money. Talk to your friends, colleagues, barber, dairy owner, super market staffs, your dentist, courier person, mail delivery person, and paper boy. You won't know who is waiting for an opportunity.

I e-mailed couple of my friends. I got a response from two of them saying they were glad I e-mailed them. They were looking around to start a home business. Immediately they joined.

There is opportunity everywhere. There are 7 billion people in this world. All you need is three good people to help you. If you set your goals—with a purpose, a road map, and persistence and determination—you will be on your way to success.

Surround yourself with successful people. Read motivational and sales books. Read autobiographies and biographies of great men and women. Listen to tapes and watch videos. If you follow these instructions for the next two years, you will be a different person. You will think differently; your knowledge will be different from other people; you will walk differently; you will respect other people; you will have more money in your bank account; and, above all, you will have great health.

Reading makes a full person. See Gery Carson (founder and president of SFI) as your role model. Spend time with two or three people who have the same interest as yours. Have a master-mind program. Help one another, and things will come easy for you. Share your experience, knowledge, and wisdom.

If you spend two years working the SFI program, you can earn $5,000 a just takes a little effort.

Let 2005 be a year of prosperity, abundance and great health.

Remember, overcome procrastination, motivate yourself, and be the person you want to be! See yourself as successful. YOU create your circumstances...circumstances never create you. It is your choice. To become rich is your choice; to become healthy is your choice; to become confident is your choice. You are created in the image of God. God wants you to be successful, prosperous, confident, happy and blessed.

Show unconditional love and, above all, charity. Give 10 to 15% to the poor and needy. When you give money to the poor—the poor won't be able to return the money back to you—you are lending to God, and He will pay you back 10 times more. Don't say to yourself "When I get the money I will give." It will never happen. Give what you have and see the difference. First, you will become a different person and, secondly, you will be filled with love, joy, good health, and prosperity.

If you haven't yet advanced to Executive Affiliate (EA) status, go here:

Keep in mind, you can advance to EA status. Make the best use of it. Many network marketing programs cost you more than $1500 dollars to start with. With SFI you can start your own home business with "0" dollars! A fantastic organisation...Be a part of it.
Wishing you the very best for 2005.

Winston Saga

About the author: Winston is an SFI Team Leader and a successful home-business owner in New Zealand. His Website "Telesales & Marketing" focuses on achieving total success in sales and your personal life and features lots of expert advice and tips on increasing your sales and profits.

"I don't have any money!"

Dear SFI Affiliates and Members of The McVey Team:

"I don't have any money!"

Believe it or not, I hear this from affiliates quite a lot. But before you write off your chances of seriously starting and operating a successful home business of your own, I want you to read the following:

As advertised, SFI comes through with it's promise—an Internet business that requires NO money up front! YOU choose the level of your commitment to SFI. YOU choose how far you want to take it. YOU choose the rate of your own home business progress.

OK, so you have little or no money with which to start your business. That's alright. We can work around that problem for now. One of the beautiful things about your SFI business is that you can substitute time for money!

Any business will take time to build, whether it be an Internet business like SFI or a brick-and-mortar business like "Joe's Diner."

And although it may be true that investing money into your business will get you where you want to be much faster, it is NOT long as you understand this:

The road to success is not "closed" by any means, but there will be a few more twists and turns, and it will take just a little bit longer to get where you are going. And that's OK if you know that up front. After all, even with money, the road can be bumpy and long. The good news, though, is that I will provide you with the "map" you need to help negotiate this road with as little difficulty as possible.

I've said this before and I'll keep saying it:

You must READ, READ, and READ some more! Whether you have money or not, you must educate yourself about your SFI business, its products, and its services. The Next Step area ( at the SFI Affiliate Center

( features a comprehensive list of free SFI reports, articles, how-to's, and more.

Find out what it is you are selling! Get to know the products and services like the back of your hand. Go over the SFI Website everyday. Take the Smart Start Training course ( if you haven't already done so. Then, do it again.

Ask questions about anything you're not sure of—through your upline support or the SFI Discussion Board ( Train yourself as if you were going to train others...because you WILL eventually.

Cost to read: $0.00

Smart Start ( is the first step in your self-education. SFI knows how important it is for ALL affiliates to have at least a basic knowledge of the SFI System and how you can make money with it. This training session takes no more than 30 minutes of your time. It is the start of your journey. It is a MUST!

Cost for Smart Start: $0.00

Accumulate SVP by selling SFI products through your personal SFI Gateways to customers, friends, family, etc. After you become an EA (Executive Affiliate),, you will need to maintain 10 SVP each month to keep your EA status. You can do this through renewal purchases from your existing retail customers, as well through new customers you attract to your business. (For more information on your Gateways, go to the View/Edit Gateway page——in the MY ACCOUNT section of the SFI Affiliate Center)

Cost to become EA: $0.00

Next, go to the SFI Discussion Board Training Center ( There you will find a ton of information that will help you with your SFI business. You'll see an overview of SFI and "FAQs." There are also "Getting Started" and SFI Resources sections. Take the "Internet Income" course, read the articles in the Next Step section, get tips on creative writing, start the "10-Day Training Series," and read "30-days To Success." There are even links to other resources, along with "Advertising Information."

Cost for training: $0.00

As you might have gathered by now, you CAN get "something for nothing" with SFI Marketing Group. The secret is simple: You have to WORK for it, and you have to WANT it!!
As Henry Ford is oft quoted as saying:

"If you think you can't have success or think you can have success—you're right!"
Your success begins with the insatiable desire to WANT to change your current situation.
No money? No problem! Let's go out and get some, Team!!

Cost to have a dream: $0.00

Your Team Leader,


SFI Contact Manager
How To Get Started In SFI For Free
How To Do Effective Follow-Ups
Website Promotion Tips
SFI Affiliate Recruiting Tips
Marketing Resources
Brief, Attention-Grabbing Ads For You
Knowing Your Income Potential With SFI
Tapping Into Your SFI Marketing Tools

What Benefits Do I Get as an Affiliate in the SFI Program?EVERY SFI Affiliate Gets:

What Benefits Do I Get as an Affiliate in the SFI Program?EVERY SFI Affiliate Gets:

Free step-by-step Smart Start Training*
Free access to the professional SFI Affiliate Center
Free Marketing Strategies, Special Reports, Administrative Support
Free Marketing Aids (sample ads, articles, banners) to help you promote your business
10+ Free Gateway Websites for selling SFIMG products
20+ Free Gateway Websites for promoting the SFIMG opportunity
Free Training, Newsletters, automatic affiliate and prospect follow ups, Discussion Board
Lucrative Compensation Plan with Retail Sales earnings of 40% of Commission Volume (CV)
Free Commission Schedule, Status and Sales Reports
Up to 12 upline support members assigned to personally support you
Access to the SFI Affiliate Store (select your choices from over 600 quality products)
Free - 10 Bonuses for joining the Fast-Track Program, including a Guaranteed Check your first month as Fast-Track member; click here to view the SFIMG Fast-Track Video Presentation
*This free training is required to access other free resources at the SFI Affiliate Resource Center.In addition to all of the above, EVERY Executive Affiliate (EA) gets:
Up to a 12-Level Network (8,190 EAs) filled by TEAMWORK (Upline - YOU - Downline)

DOUBLE Retail Sales Commissions—earn 80% of CV...TWICE the money as a non-EA!
Business Builders Bonuses of up to $30 for each new, first-time EA you sponsor and up to $150 for each new Team earnings possibility of as much as $420 in total bonuses for each of your personally sponsored affiliates!
Possibility to earn down 12 levels of 6% of ALL CV generated by all other affiliates in your network
Dynamic Compression Bonuses based on leadership (earn BEYOND your 12 level T-Net...infinitely deep!)
Residual Income - continuing earnings for one-time work
Leveraged Income - extra earnings from work by your team
Valuable, comprehensive reports to help you manage your T-Net team: T-Net Genealogy, T-Net Details, Top Leaders, T-Net By Level, and more.
Sponsorship roll-ups (inherit personal referrals from inactive affiliates)
Locked-in position in your 2 x 12 T-Network; qualify to receive unlimited Automated Computer Placements
Ability to earn EXTRA SVP for Affiliate Mastery, Eagle Co-op, Mining Gold, and Veriuni Dial-up ISP Service - Standard Basic and Standard Pro (with an EA-qualifiying IAHBE membership)
Automatic qualification for Product Wholesale Prices - save up to 56% on what you buy; earn profits on what you sell retail (requires a VIP standing order)
FREE business-building resources:
Key Code Tracking - Get the most from your advertising dollars
Hit Tracking - Monitor the amount of traffic to your SFI Gateway Websites
Eagle Co-op - Get prospect/affiliate leads with free SFI follow-up mailing
Contact Manager - Free automatic welcomes, team messaging, and more
Status Checker - Check the status of your affiliates
Substantial, exclusive discounts we've negotiated for EA’s in our Partner Stores area.
SFI wallpaper - SFI designs for your computer

Want to gain EA status right now? Click HERE!
Advance to the rank of Team Leader, and you'll also get:
Increased earnings potential by expanding the number of T-Net levels you earn on
Ability to earn Multi-Network Bonuses by building additional T-Net networks (no limit) - Comes with PTL rank
A share(s) from the lucrative Platinum Leadership Pool (comes with PTL rank) - Contains 12% of all Sales Commissions - COMPANYWIDE
Can continue to earn Gross Bounty Royalties from merchants you personally signed up with beyond one year (for STLs and above).
Can receive Gross Bounty Override Royalties from merchants you sign up for (for GTLs and above).
Ability to send Individual Messages via Contact Manager to ALL affiliates in your organization (personally sponsored and those brought in by others in your team)
Free access to Team Leader Co-op Manager - Create your own lead co-ops for your T-Net team
Team Leader Expedited Support Request - Faster routing and response of your questions and feedback to SFI
Ad submission capability - Create your own SFI Ads!