Friday, December 01, 2006
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Saturday, November 04, 2006
Five Keys to Networking Success
Five Keys to Networking Success
Networking, whether through business associations or other means, is the most prevalent and cost effective way for small and home businesses to attract new and repeat sales. Networking and "word of mouth" advertising together are 7 times more likely to bring in business than all forms of traditional advertising and direct mail combined.
ow does it work? More importantly, how can you make it work for your business? Here are five tips to get you started.
1. Select a few key associations or organizations and participate actively. Go to meetings as often as possible and work on one or two committees. Your goal: to be the first person everyone remembers and suggests when others ask, "Do you know anyone who…."
2. Get to events early and plan to stay late. You can't meet and talk to people while a meeting is in progress. Be sure you circulate, too. If you spend too much time with any one person, you can't meet others. You also prevent the person you've attached yourself to from circulating, and they may resent it. If walking away from a person or group makes you feel awkward, have a few exit strategies ready to use. "Excuse me, I really need another cup of coffee this morning" works well for early morning meetings.
3. Greet people you've met in the past. Ask how projects they are working on are going, mention news articles you've seen about them, and congratulate them on any recent successes they've had. Sales grow out of relationships, and this is a good way to establish relationships with key contacts and prospects. Be sincere, though. If you're not, you'll be written off as an opportunist.
4. Follow up on leads. All the leads in the world are worthless if you don't follow up on them. Make that phone call or send the information you promised. Then, at the next meeting you attend, ask if your contact got what you sent.
5. Be generous about sharing business tips, referrals and leads with noncompetitors. You'll be remembered for your help, and may get business or referrals as a result later on. (You win in another way, too. Helping others become successful is as rewarding as being successful yourself.)
About the author
Janet Attard is the founder of the award-winning Business Know-How small business web site and information resource. Janet is also the author of The Home Office And Small Business Answer Book and of Business Know-How: An Operational Guide For Home-Based and Micro-Sized Businesses with Limited Budgets.
20 Reasons To Have Your Own Website
20 Reasons To Have Your Own Website
Thanks to John Wilson, SFI Team Leader and President's Club member
1. Improves your credibility as an Internet marketer and as an SFI Team Leader.
2. Gives you the freedom to present and emphasize the information you want the way you want to.
3. You can send e-mail using your chosen domain name.
4. Makes your training information and tips easily available to your affiliates.
5. Allows you to set up a blog on your site. (CPanel hosting make it a 5-minute task using Fantastico on CPanel to auto-install a WordPress blog on your Website). Posting to your blog on a regular basis will improve your site's exposure on the search engines—very beneficial.
6. You can create a forum where your SFI team members can find and help one another...and you could help them all. You could even make a private forum for your SFI Team Members only.
7. Adding your own content on a regular and continued basis also will likely get you noticed by the search engines. You can use articles your affiliates submit, providing exposure for them, along with a link back to their SFI Gateway or personal Website.
8. You can setup a page to attractively frame your favorite SFI Gateway(s).
9. Allows you to offer more training options for your team with ebooks, software, and special reports in downloadable form.
10. You can host a site for your "technology challenged" affiliates. It could be as simple as just another page within your main Website. For instance, you could create "," where XXXXXXXX is affiliate's SFI ID. You could also use the affiliate's name or company name.
11. Providing an RSS feed from your site can let you deliver your sales or training messages without needing someone's e-mail address, thereby expanding your reach to prospective customers. If you need to become familiar with RSS, try this free RSS reader:
12. Setting up a form on your Web page allows you to collect visitors' names and e-mail addresses. Set the form to post the information to your Autoresponder or a database on your site. Check with your Web host for instructions on setting this up.
13. You can setup a page for exchanging relevant links to other Websites. This could help you improve your search engine rankings, which would then increase the traffic arriving at your site.
14. With your own Website, you could then join Traffic Swarm and other traffic exchanges for some free traffic.
15. You can install your own autoresponder on your Webserver to automate your e-mail followup tasks. Even better, by hosting the autoresponder yourself, you won't have to pay monthly fees for a separate autoresponder service.
16. By copy/pasting some code, you can setup a Webpage to redirect to another page, letting you "hide" long, awkward links with affiliate numbers that' are often rejected by many search engines and advertising places. For example: could become
17. You can provide helpful FAQs for your team members, providing a simple page in which to direct your new affiliates for questions.
18. Adding audio, video, and other multimedia content can improve the attractiveness and effectiveness of your offer.
19. Creating and maintaining your own Website allows you to learn more about and become more comfortable with today's technology. As you grow more confident with running your own site and online business, you can pass this valuable knowledge on to others.
20. As you learn more about setting up an online business and Website, you can then sell your skills in the form of content for others' sites.
Great Domainia - Get your own domain name at a great price!
VeryVIP SiteBuilder - A complete, powerful Web publishing platform and online business solution!
Clickbucks For Profit
Clickbucks For Profit
Designed to complement SFI's main income-generating Retail and T-NET programs, Clickbucks is an extremely easy program ideal for many SFI Affiliates, both in the U.S. and overseas.
How the Clickbucks Program works:
Simply advertise your Clickbucks Gateway Website to generate new affiliates. You'll earn $2 per Full Access Affiliate (an affiliate who has confirmed their SFI registration), plus $1 in CV and 0.5 SVP per. Generate just 20 Clickbucks affiliates in a month, and you'll earn EA status!
That said, be sure you understand that affiliates you generate via the ClickBucks program do NOT enter your downline. Instead, all ClickBucks-generated affiliates flow into Eagle Co-op and are equally and randomly dispersed to Eagle Co-op participants. Additionally, ClickBucks affiliates will not be considered as a retail sale for you. However, the $1 of CV generated for each of your ClickBucks affiliates will go in under your SFI ID and YOU will earn the SVP.
Put simply, , if you participate in the ClickBucks program, you get paid upfront, but you give up all sponsorship benefits. Please make sure you carefully consider this before participating in ClickBucks.
For banners you can use for the ClickBucks Program, click HERE. Your URL for the ClickBucks Gateway is:
Although SFI will not send you e-mail notifications on ClickBucks-generated affiliates, you can keep track of your progress by accessing your online ClickBucks report at:
This report will provide you with complete data and status on all Clickbucks affiliates generated for the previous 120 days. It also includes keycodes, double opt-in percentages, EA upgrade percentages, and opt-out percentages.
Why participate in Clickbucks?
Although SFI doesn't encourage the Clickbucks Program per se as a way to build your business, we do recognize that there are many affiliates around the world where immediate income is more important than building a long-term, network marketing organization—at least in the short term.
ClickBucks was created to accommodate these members of the SFI family. In this way, new people can generate some cash flow while they "get their feet wet" and learn how to build a network marketing business. Then, they can then make the transition to building a T-Net network.
There's also no reason why an affiliate can't promote a ClickBucks Gateway AND any of our other standard Gateways simultaneously, with some leads going into the affiliate's group and some going into ClickBucks for upfront cash.
Additionally, ClickBucks can be an excellent means for our international affiliates to earn extra cash. By simply referring prospects to the ClickBucks Gateway, you can earn great commissions without shipping, credit card, or payment issues of any kind. You can also earn EA status by generating just 20 affiliates a month!
These points aside, what if you're a Team Leader? Do you really want hundreds of affiliates in your group participating in ClickBucks? Maybe...maybe not!
For each affiliate your affiliates generate, there's one dollar in CV going into your organization. That could become significant CV flowing into your payline.
Also keep in mind that if a lot of your T-Net members use Eagle Co-op, then a lot of the affiliates being generated WILL actually wind up under you.
Finally, and this may be the most significant reason, ClickBucks can be the thing that get currently inactive affiliates active. There are many, many SFI affiliates who have the resources to generate hundreds of times more affiliates than they do now...but for some reason they have not become fully engaged yet. If the allure of ClickBucks gets those affiliates to finally get in the game and start fully using their resources, they will be more engaged and more likely to get seriously active with SFI.
Clickbucks rules & restrictions
To prevent fraud, participation in ClickBucks is highly monitored, and several rules and restrictions will be strictly enforced.
Please go to the ClickBucks Policy page for details:
Sunday, October 29, 2006
10 Easy Steps To Making Money As An SFI Affiliate
10 Easy Steps To Making Money
As An SFI Affiliate
Thanks to Bill Alland, SFI Bronze Team Leader...
The best way to build a thriving business is to take it one step at a time. Post the following 10 steps to making money in SFI in a prominent place on your wall as a constant reminder of your willingness to succeed...and encourage your team members to do the same!
- Upgrade yourself to Executive Affiliate (EA) status as soon as you can—10 SVP per month, anyway you like it. To learn how to get started for free, click HERE.
- Upgrade yourself to Team Leader (TL) status as soon as you can. See SFI Compensation Plan for more details.)
- Monitor your network to ensure as many of your affiliates as possible become EAs as soon as possible.
- Monitor your network to ensure as many of your EAs as possible become Team Leaders as soon as possible.
- Pass these steps you're reading right now on to each person in your team, preferably as soon as they come on board.
- Check out the SFI products or services of your choice. Your actions will help the company and your own business thrive.
- Consider buying a membership in SFI's International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs (IAHBE). The tools and benefits you receive as an IAHBE member, when used, will dramatically and positively affect your business. IAHBE is the easiest way to advance to EA status, and a majority of SFI's active affiliates are members.
- Continue to advance through the ranks of team leaders (Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum), collecting bonus income and increasing your commissions along the way. For more info, see SFI Compensation Plan.
- Next Step Training Area
- Classified ad sites in the DBoard Resource Center
- AdWizard - automate your ad posting.
- SiteMeter - statistics and tracking
SFI Articles:
- Effective Phone Techniques For Following Up With Your Prospects, Generating Sales, And Recruiting Leaders
- How To Do Effective Follow-Ups
- Building Your Business With Conference Calls
- SFI Affiliate Recruiting Tips
- How To Get Started In SFI For Free
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Blogging 101: DEL.ICIO.US & Social Bookmarking Explained
by Gobala Krishnan, IAHBE Staff Writer
The World Wide Web’s number one problem is, and always has been, managing information. From early Yahoo-style Web directories to Google and DMOZ (an acronym referring to Open Directory Project, derived from, its original domain name), people have been scrambling to review, categorize and publish information into forms that make sense. “Social Bookmarking” is nothing more than a new way to do exactly that. In this article we look at the trend of human-managed directories and how it can benefit your business.
History Of Social Bookmarking
Every Web browser comes with a bookmark function. By clicking on “Bookmark” or pressing CTRL+D (on a PC), your browser stores the title and URL of the Website into categorized folders for later viewing. That’s the basics of bookmarking – not too exciting, right?
The next evolution of bookmarking came about when people started to realize a few underutilized concepts of bookmarks:
1) Most bookmarks are computer-dependent – The bookmarks that you store exist on your PC only. If you were to use someone else’s PC, you can’t access those sites that you have bookmarked.
2) You can’t share bookmarks – What if you could share all the best bookmarks you’ve stored with your friends, family or business associates? Wouldn’t it be better (and easier) if bookmarking was done at a higher “community” level?
3) No review & evaluation system – How can you be sure that the sites you have bookmarked are worth your time and attention? How do you easily find great sites that have already been bookmarked by others?
These limitations called for a community-based bookmarking system where you can bookmark a great site independent of your operating system and computer, share it with your friends, and let it be reviewed and approved by others. This phenomenon came to be know as “Social Bookmarking” and it gave birth to a few new massive services like and tons of smaller yet highly-trafficked “bookmarking sites”
According to
The concept of shared online bookmarking dates back to April 1996 with the launch of Within the next three years online bookmark services became competitive, with venture-backed companies like Backflip, Blink, Clip2, Hotlinks, Quiver, and others entering the market. Lacking viable models for making money, most of this early generation of social bookmarking companies failed as the dot-com bubble burst. The contemporary concepts of social bookmarking and tagging took root with the launch of the Web site, in September of 2003.
The Advantages & Disadvantages
Although social bookmarking started as an informal collection of personal bookmarks, its significance and ability to generate Website traffic grows rapidly by the day. Here’s why is social bookmarking can be significant to your business blog or Website, according to
1) Enables like-minded people to find each other and create new communities of users around a topic.
2) Allows a specific group of people (staff members in an organization for example) to share resources efficiently.
3) Can help you find new insights about a topic by seeing how others think and connect to it.
4) Creates contextual taxonomies (classifications) that have meaning for a particular community/group of people (good for different cultural contexts).
5) Most tools incorporate various mechanisms for sharing information outside of the tools (via RSS, integration with other tools such as blogging software).
As good as it may sound, there are several drawbacks (and some potential hazards) to the social bookmarking phenomenon as well:
1) Tools are still evolving, and not all of these social bookmarking sites have polished, user-friendly interfaces. In fact, some of them may require extensive technical know-how to be useful at all.
2) There is no consistent oversight to how a resource is tagged - e.g. tag London could stand for Julie London, City of London, or Jack London
3) The stream of specific resources on a topic is as good as the community who has joined the service. Some topic are naturally easier to bookmark due to the sheer fact that most of the people interested in it are tech-savvy (for example gadgets) and some are just not.
4) There is the possibility of tagging spam as more online marketers automate the process of bookmarking for easy traffic and fast money.
Bookmarking Gets
Almost synonymous to the term “social bookmarking”, is one of the largest online bookmarking service around. You can get your own account for free by visiting and setting up your account. When you’re done, will give you instructions on putting some browser buttons to quickly and easily add pages to as you’re browsing the Internet.
You now have your own page, where you can display all your bookmarks for the rest of the world to see.
Every time you click on the “Add to” button on your browser, you’ll be asked for this additional information:
1) Notes – Description of the URL you just bookmarked. This description will appear on the page that displays your bookmarks, as well higher-tier pages of all the other people who have bookmarked the same URL.
2) Tags – A tags is a keyword that describes the link or URL. Refer to my earlier IAHBE article titled “Blogging 101: Tagging And Technorati Explained” for more information on tags and tagging. In however, you can only tag single words, so if you’re planning on tagging a URL with the keyword “holiday resort” you need to tag “holiday” and “resort” individually, or tag “holidayresort.”
Now you can add pages easily to every time you find something interesting. If other people are also bookmarking the exact URL, will display the bookmark in its main page which hosts its “Hotlist.”
The “Hotlist” is a list of the hottest bookmarks in the past few hours. Generally, your bookmark should get here if it is also bookmarked by 20 – 50 other people.
How do you tag your bookmarks? Logically you can tag a URL with any keyword you want, but if you’re talking about getting traffic, you have to make sure that your tags will be noticed. Here are the two main approaches to achieving that:
1) Use the most popular tags – On the hotlist you can see a “cloud” of the most popular tag terms. You can start to bookmark your sites and your own blog using these tag (they have to make sense of course). If you want to avoid stiff competition, go for the second-tier, less popular but equally effective tags. Just make sure the tags you use appear in the cloud.
2) Create your own tag – This is a more challenging route, but can be rewarding. Let’s say that you create a tag called “mynewtag” and on each blog post, you tag your pages in using this. You also encourage others to tag your blog using the same tag.
As more people tag the same URL with “mynewtag” you start to get a higher tag ranking within, and more traffic coming your way.
While may be the biggest social bookmarking site around, there are others worth mentioning. These sites operate almost identical to the way does, so signing up and using them should be a breeze if you’re already familiar with
Creating A “Bookmark Network”
There are two ways you can create your own network. The first is to get other users (friends, family and co-workers) to add your username to their own network, therefore sharing your collection of bookmarks with them. lets you do this using their “network” tool.
The second is to have multiple account and interlink each other. You can connect each account to another by adding it to your network and sharing your bookmarks to create some kind of personal “Bookmark Directory.”
Other Bookmarking Sites
Here are the other big social bookmarking sites:
1) Furl –
2) Spurl –
3) Digg –
4) Blinklist –
5) Jots -
Here are some less popular social bookmarking sites (you can expect to see many more in the future):
1) Backflip -
2) Blogmarks-
3) Connotea -
4) –
5) Feedmarker -
6) Frassle –
7) Lookmarks -
8) Scuttle -
9) Unalog –
10) Simpy -
11) Wists – http;//
12) Yahoo! My Web 2.0 -
Connecting Your Business Blog
Now that you’ve understood social bookmarking, let’s see how you can add this to your blog and get people to bookmark your URL into their own (or other) accounts. For the sake of simplicity, I’m only going to cite Wordpress as a blogging tool, although there are others such as MovableType, LiveJournal, Blogger and more.
One of the most popular tools used for Wordpress is the Sociable plugin, developed by Peter Harkins. This plugin allows you to display most of the popular bookmarking services, although you don’t really need to use them all. Here’s how the Sociable plugin displays the “bookmarklets” as they’re called:
By installing the plugin, the bookmarklets appear on all your blog posts, and users can easier add your posts to their favorite bookmarking services. Another service you can use is Feedburner although it only allows bookmarking. The advantage of using Feedburner is that you can also display bookmarklets in your RSS feed, something that Sociable currently does not support.
Managing Expectations & Making It Work
Social bookmarking is no magic pill for Website traffic. You can’t expect overnight results with bookmarking. Instead, expect to see more PageRank (Google’s measure of a Web site’s popularity) and better search engine ranking as a result from getting incoming links from all these high-rated bookmarking service. Even that doesn’t happen overnight, so just keep on bookmarking interesting sites you see while browsing the Internet, and eventually your personal bookmark page on (and other sites) will start building up its value.
1)Consultant Commons, “Social Bookmarking Tool Comparison”
2), “Social Bookmarking”
Gobala Krishnan is a staff writer for the IAHBE and a home based entrepreneur in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. His company helps frustrated and underpaid employees transform their passion into a profitable home based Internet business. For more info visit
Blogging 101: Mass Generation Of Blogs
by Gobala Krishnan, IAHBE Staff Writer
What if, at the click of a button you can create 1,000 blogs that update automatically every day while you sleep? What if, by end of the month your network of 1,000 blogs generates one million visitors and makes you a cool $15,000 with Google Adsense or affiliate programs?
No, it’s not a dream and it’s not a scam either. With certain “mass-generation” tools on the market today, you can do this for a moderate investment.
As easy as it may sound, no one can guarantee that it will work for you. Some people call these mass-generated Blogger or Wordpress sites “spam blogs,” “splogs” or “scraper sites.” These people claim that it’s just a waste of time, since Google and other search engines will eventually ban your sites.
Others can prove that it works and are even willing to teach you how to do it properly. Therefore, take this article as an educational experience, and do your due diligence before dishing out your hard earned cash.
How Does It Work?
In general, free blogging tools like Blogger are easy to set-up and use. So easy in fact, that certain processes can be automated. When you can automate the process of creating and posting, then it won’t take long for someone to create software that enables you to create as many blogs and blog posts as you want with the click of a button.
That’s how mass-generated blogs got started. Here’s the process in general:
1. Upload Keyword List—Using a centralized control panel, you can import a list of keywords into your account, and the software automatically creates blogs using those keywords. These blogs will either be created on or on your own hosting using subdomains.
2. Multiple Templates—For every blog you create, you can assign a different template to it. In fact, some of the software explained below even allows you to randomly assign templates from a set of pre-designed generic templates to your mass-generated blogs.
3. Grab RSS Feeds—The software will then use the list of keywords to find and syndicate RSS feeds from:
a.Popular news sites like:
i.Google News
ii.Yahoo News
b.Blog directories and search engines like:
i.Google Blog Search
ii.Yahoo blog Search
4. Post to Blogs—Once the RSS feeds are syndicated, the software will then post the content of the feed into your blogs, with a link back to the original source. The posts themselves appear as individual pages on your blog, adding to your blog content and size.
5. Ping Process—After each post is created, the software automatically pings popular ping sites. When a “ping” is made, your post summary usually appears on the ping site, and search engine spiders that already visit the ping sites everyday start to follow the links to your blogs and start to index them.
6. Automate Tagging—Some software also enables you to “tag” popular blog services like Technorati, resulting in links from the sites to your blogs.
7. Cron Jobs—A “cron job” is a script that allows your Web hosting server to do routine tasks at a specified date and time. You can specify cron jobs to run every day, every hour or even every minute. Using cron jobs, the software can put the steps 2-4 (above) completely on auto-pilot.
8. Inter-Linking—All your sub-domains are set to link back to your main domain name, or randomly to other blogs in your blog network. Although the linking method was quite obvious at first, newer versions have complex linking systems to make it appear more natural.
9. Easy Adsense Insertion—The software also allows you to easily insert your Adsense codes. In fact, most of the templates already contain pre-defined areas for your codes. All you have to do is insert your code, save it, and refresh your main blog to see the Adsense codes.
10. Automate Article Posting—Some of the advanced software allows you to pull articles (in TXT format) from any folder on your Webhost and post them to your blogs as if a real person had posted it. Most of these articles are generic and contain no author name or copyright.
That’s basically how all mass-generation software work. However, to really understand in detail you’ll probably need to try a few yourself. For the benefit of IAHBE readers, I have tested and listed two of the market leaders, and listed a few alternatives that I have not personally tried.
Blog Solution & Content Solution
Blog Solution developed by HalfAgain Marketing LLC is probably the best example that has all the features mentioned above. Retailing at $297 for the script, once you’ve purchased Blog Solution you can upload the script to as many domains as you want.
Blog Solution creates multiple subdomains on your main domain name and mimics the programming structure of Wordpress. However, the blog software itself is proprietary, not the open-source version of Wordpress.
The toughest parts in installing and using Blog Solution:
1. Getting Your Own Server—If you have 100 blogs posting 10 articles a day, by the end of the month your server account could be so clogged up that you may be shut down by your hosting provider. I don’t mean to scare anyone, but it’s the truth. If you’re just testing the concept you can use whatever host you’re on right now, but to have a full-fledged Blog Solution system you need to spend a little bit more. The best way to do it is to get your own server:
a. Dedicated Server - Since you own the entire server, no one will ever shut you down for taking up too much space. Of course, if space does run out you’ll need to get more.
b. Virtual Private Server - A cheaper option that still maintains most of the control and feature you get with a dedicated version.
2. Getting wildcard domains—The “wildcard domains” or “catchall” domains feature allows you to create domain names automatically. This functions needs some custom programming on many Web hosting plans. Personally, I had to contact my Web host with this requirement and they got it done within a day.
The rest of the set-up process is fairly simple, and their user guide is helpful. Once you passed the set-up stage, you can just paste of list or keywords, select the RSS feed source, and your entire blog system is set-up.
Half Again LLC has another product in their line, called the Content Solution. Content Solution (CS) basically acts as a central depository for text files that are added to your Blog Solution sites as new posts and articles. In other words, instead of just getting RSS feed summaries on your Website, you can also add real articles (minus images) to your mass-generated blogs.
Here’s how a Blog Solution site may look like, based on the default templates:
RSS To Blog
RSS to Blog by itself is not a mass-generation software. It’s a software that enables you to publish RSS feeds as new posts in your Blogger or Wordpress blogs. For this purpose, it does an excellent job and justifies the hefty $297 price tag.
A newer addition to RSStoBlog however, enables mass-generation. Called the “RSStoBlog Mass Installer,” it does exactly that. It allows you to create many Wordpress blogs or Blogger accounts and uses the original software to feed content via RSS. This is stated on their Website:
You do not need to have RSS to Blog to use R2BMI, but it does work better if you have the RSS to Blog companion tool to top off the blog creation process.
R2BMI costs $297 as well. Getting both solutions together will cost you around $540, a discount of approximately 10%. To get this offer you need to click on the link at the bottom of their Website.
If you’re not ready for such an investment, you can just get RSS To Blog, and set-up your own blogs one at a time. Otherwise, you could try Blog Solution mentioned above.
Other Generation Software
Here’s a list other mass-generation software that I know of but have not tried personally. You can explore these services at your own time and space:
1. WP Burner (WP Only):
2. WP Mass Installer:
3. Manager DX (Wordpress only):
4. Blog Generator:
5. Auto Blog Generator:
6. Fast Blog Generator:
Ideas On Making It Work
To achieve better results with Blog Solution, RSS To Blog or any other mass-generation software, I strongly recommend that you follow these strategies:
1. Get Your Own Templates—Don’t use the standard templates. Hundreds of other BS site owners are using them. Pay someone to develop a few simple yet beautiful templates for you, and if possible put more images on them to increase the attraction of an otherwise text-only blog.
2. Get Rid Of Footprints—There’s some generic text on your Blog Solution templates. Get rid of them as soon as possible to stand out and remain undetectable by search engines and prying eyes.
3. Get Better RSS Feeds—Although Blog Solution already gets feeds from Google, don’t depend on this default feed source. Browse the Internet and look for other lesser known and lesser used RSS feeds. Sticking to the default will only get you “default” results.
If you don’t make these simple changes as soon as possible, you’ll be easily identifiable as part of a group consisting of all other users of the software, and it would be easier for search engines to block or even ban your sites.
I can hear you say “What? I can get banned?”
Well, of course. There’s a possibility of that happening, especially if your blogs have zero value and only take up more space in Google’s data storage servers.
The bottom line in using mass-generation software is that you need to be prepared to do some extra modification work before unleashing your “army” of blogs into cyberspace. While it’s easy to create 1,000 blogs by tomorrow, you should not do it.
Instead, let your mass-generation software create blogs slowly and naturally, and even though it may take you more time to get indexed and start making money from Adsense or affiliate program, you’ll be the last one laughing when your sites perform well in the long run.
Gobala Krishnan is a staff writer for the IAHBE and a home based entrepreneur in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. His company helps frustrated and underpaid employees transform their passion into a profitable home based Internet business. For more info visit
Blogging 101
by Gobala Krishnan, IAHBE Staff Writer
If you’re using Wordpress as a platform for your business website, or even for the sole purpose of making money from Google Adsense, proper Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can help you achieve your goals faster.
Search Engine Optimization is important, but it’s not worth your time to fuss over the details and end up as a “SEO Zombie.” I recommend that you follow the basic strategies mentioned in this chapter and forget about trying to force your way up the search engines to the coveted first page of the search engine results.
For the purpose of improving your ranking on the search engines, you need to:
1. Create a search-engine-friendly Permalink and URL structure.
2. Create a search-engine-friendly Title Tag.
3. Create keyword-focused Post Slugs.
It all starts with your blog name and description. Although you can name your blog anything you want, remember that it will show up in your blog title and many other places as well.
Here’s the strategy I use:
1. Weblog Title: Your Main Keyword
2. Tagline: Your Secondary Keyword
You’ll be able to select your title and tagline under the Options tab in your Wordpress account. Naming your blog this way has several advantages, including:
1. It lets you automatically insert your primary keyword at the end of each post.
2. Secondly, it lets you use both your primary and secondary keywords on your index page (default page of your Wordpress blog) instead of just one.
Since your blog is new, your Title will only have your primary keyword on it until we “genetically modify” your Wordpress account in the next few steps.
Permanent Link Structures
The first important SEO strategy is changing your “Permalinks.”
Permalinks or permanent links are how your individual pages appear to the search engines. Let’s say you create your first post and call it “Welcome To My Blog.” By default, your permalink will look something like this:
Although this is OK, in terms of search engine optimization, it’s not the ideal thing to do, because by looking at it, I can’t tell what your post is about. The search engines can’t either!
So Wordpress gives you the option of modifying the permalinks into more search-engine friendly formats. Here are a few options I recommend:
Option 1: Great For Beginners
If you’re new to Wordpress, you might end up changing, moving, and deleting content constantly. Therefore, the best permalink option you should consider is this:
Each post or page you create in Wordpress will be assigned a permanent “Post ID,” which is a number. This will change your post into:
The screenshot below shows how to edit your Permalinks. You need to click on the tabs Options > Permalinks and you’ll see this:
Type in the codes and click on “Update Permalink Structure” to change all previous and future posts into this format.
Option 2: Advanced SEO
If you’ve been using Wordpress for a while, you basically know where to post content, how to categorize it properly, and how to name your categories. You also tend to leave this unchanged for a long time. Therefore, this option would be suitable for you:
Each post or page you create in Wordpress will be assigned to a “Category,” which is a number. This will change your post into:
Please note that if you use this type of permalink, you should only assign one category to each post. You should also NEVER change your categories once you’ve created them, since this is equivalent to creating a new post. This structure is better because you can use your main keyword in your category name, and secondary keywords in your post name. However, if you’re doing this for the first time, you’re bound to make mistakes with naming categories and you may want to change them later. That’s the reason why I recommend that you go for Option 1 if you’re a beginner, and only use this more advanced type of permalink on your second Wordpress blog.
If you’re getting an error message when you try to update your permalink structure, it means you need to modify the access permissions for your .htaccess files.
Once you have chosen a permalink structure, NEVER EVER change it again, especially if your Website is already indexed in Google or other search engines. Doing so will only cause your existing pages to be considered invalid, and you'll have to go through the process of indexing your pages all over again.
Genetic Modification Of Title Tags
The second most important SEO strategy is modifying your title tags. Most search engines still read your title tags first to find out what your content is about and how to rank it when someone does a search related to what you’ve written.
By default, here’s how Wordpress displays the title of your post:
Your Site Name >> Your Post Name
All you have to do is to reverse that order and put your page name first, like this:
Your Post Name at Your Site Name
This gives you the advantage of putting your post title (with your keywords in them) first, increasing your chances of getting ranked higher. To do this, you’ll need to use a plugin called “Optimal Title,” which you can download for free here. Once you’ve installed it, check to see if it’s already activated under the “Plugin Manager” tab. If for some reason it’s not activated, click on “Activate” which should do the job.
Then click on Update and your blog title will change. The title of all your previous posts will also change.
Now your title tag is much more meaningful to both humans and search engines. Here’s how you new title will display individual posts:
Post Name at Blog Name
For the home page, it will display the following:
Blog Description at Blog Name
Optimizing Post Slugs
The final On-Page Optimization trick you need to learn is how to create compact, keyword-focused Post Slugs. What are post slugs? In layman terms, it’s the name of your post.
Let's say you’re creating a post called “I Finally Finished Creating My First Adsense Site Yesterday.” If you publish this post, you will get a permalink that looks like this: yesterday/
Now, not only is that permalink painful to my eyes, it also takes some time for me to figure out what your page is about. Whenever you’re writing a new post, before you publish it make sure that you’re creating a compact, keyword-focused Post Slug which will be more meaningful to humans and search engines alike.
Assuming that the keyword you’re targeting is ”Adsense site,” you should manually modify your slug to be something like this:
The general rule of thumb is to make sure at first glance that the gist of your post is visible on your permalink.
With these basic search engine optimization tricks, your Wordpress blog will be more attractive and meaningful to search engines. Remember that you should avoid falling into the SEO trap at all costs. Once you’ve optimized your site, your time will be better spent creating new content, instead of trying to tweak and modify your blog.
Gobala Krishnan is a staff writer for the IAHBE and a home based entrepreneur in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. His company helps frustrated and underpaid employees transform their passion into a profitable home based Internet business. For more info visit
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Why and How to Build a Downline !
You...Promote/introduce others to the SFI Business Opportunity.
SFI...Provides all the Websites, banners, postcards, flyers, text ads, sign-up messages, free promo bundles, online registration forms, welcome messages, getting started information, etc.
IMPORTANT...As an EA, you're automatically eligible to collect Business Builders bonuses—INSTANT cash bonuses of up to $30 for each new, first-time Executive Affiliate you sponsor and up to $150 for each new Team Leader...With this powerful bonus, you can earn as much as $420 in total bonuses for EACH of your personally sponsored affiliates! For details, click HERE.
The world's wealthiest people have known for many decades that the REAL wealth—the kind that brings you true financial freedom—is found in residual income—income that keeps coming in month after month, year after year, from work you do ONCE.
Think of this type of income as a royalty—you write a book or record a song and get paid forever on it. Every time a one of your team members makes a purchase, you get a commission. When they renew their orders, you continue to collect a commission. Since SFI encourages monthly renewals (referred to as Standing Orders) on many products, this stream of income is often "automatic," as your affiliates continue to receive the products they want on a monthly basis.
The Team Network Builders Program is the "powerhouse" income-generating machine that can send your business profits through the roof. Why? Simple: Leveraged Income—money you earn through other people's efforts. This "umbrella" term refers to the SFI "Team Network" (T-Net) system of multiple income streams. With SFI, you can earn Leveraged Income ("override commissions") when persons you've referred to SFI make sales. You can also earn income when they refer others to SFI...and when your affiliate's affiliates refer others...and so....literally to infinity.
In fact, by simply sponsoring a few "go-getters" into SFI, you can eventually have hundreds, even thousands, of people putting dollars into your pocket from around the world...and around the clock! Just remember to teach your incoming team members to duplicate what you're doing in SFI. This could translate into incredibly fast growth for your SFI team. You can, relatively quickly, build a powerful team of people just like you, selling products, bringing in new affiliates, and generating income.
SFI Opportunity Marketing Aids—Banners, flyers, and other ad tools you can use to attract prospects and recruit new SFI affiliates.
Your Opportunity Gateway Websites—Use these personalized SFI Websites to promote your SFI products and services.
Click the links below to find out about bonus income and learn the details about how T-Net works.
T-Net PresentationView a Flash video presentation of the T-Net (Team Network) compensation plan.
T-Net DetailsLearn everything you need to know about the T-Net Compensation Plan. Find out how T-Net works, check out the qualification chart, read about income projections, view diagrams, and more.
Understanding T-Net's Dynamic CompressionDownload a PDF containing seven examples of how T-Net's powerful Dynamic Compression feature works.
T-Net Frequently Asked QuestionsStill have questions about T-Net? The T-Net FAQ (Frequently-Asked Questions) page at the SFI Q&A Center has answers to the most commonly asked questions about T-Net.
SFI Discussion BoardVisit the SFI Discussion Board to join discussions about T-Net and many other topics regarding SFI and our products.
Payment Flow ChartDownload a PDF of the payment flow chart.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
How To Make A Living Selling Other People's Products:
Part 1 - The Basics of A Resell Rights Business
by Gobala Krishnan
If you want to start your own Internet-based home business but don’t have your own products, don’t want to earn petty affiliate commissions, and are sick and tired of network marketing, then choosing a “reseller” type of Internet business model may be what you’re looking for.
Unlike affiliate programs where you get paid a commission for any successful sale or sign-up you refer, a reseller business opportunity is starkly different and, in some cases, more profitable. It’s all about securing the resell rights to someone else’s product and then selling it to your own market or list to make 100% profit. In many ways, reselling other people’s products is much less risky too, provided you know exactly what you’re doing.
In Part One of this article, we discuss the logic behind the business model itself and how to get started with the right tools, the right knowledge and the pitfalls to avoid.
How Does a Reseller Business Work?
When you really think about it, there are many traditional businesses that have their foundations in reselling other people’s product or service. Take K-mart for example: all they do is secure the rights to sell someone’s products, stock them up, and sell them. The same concept applies to marketing both tangible and digital products on the Internet. You buy the rights to an e-book someone wrote and you can sell it legally for maximum profit.
Here are some advantages of having your own reseller business:
- Faster start-up – creating products can take weeks, months or even years. If you sell someone else’s stuff, you can get started overnight.
- Less risk – If you buy the rights to a hot-selling product, the question of whether it will have a demand or not is rendered irrelevant. You’re just left with the task of finding the buyers and taking their money.
- More flexibility – experts can only sell on their specialized industry. A reseller can buy into different markets anytime to capitalize of current trends.
But just like K-mart, Borders, Amazon, and a host of other existing reseller businesses, the only way to hit the jackpot instead of barely scraping through is to have your own unique positioning, or as it’s called in the marketing world, your USP or Unique Selling Proposition. We’ll get to that later…
Tools Of The Trade
To have an autopilot, successful reseller business, you need the correct tools. Here are the bare necessities:
Sequential E-mail Autoresponder – If you don’t want to get tied down by doing routine follow-ups with prospects, the solution is to get a reliable autoresponder. If you don’t know what it is, a sequential autoresponder is a software program that will send pre-written email messages and pre-determined intervals to your prospects.
As the general rule of thumb, most people will need to see your message at least seven times to trust you and order from you. You can always hire a programmer to install an autoresponder script for you, but from my personal experience it’s better to outsource this function. Keeping up with regulations and side-stepping unpredictable email-blocking software by ISPs should be left to people who make a living doing just that. Some of the better ones available as a software solution are:
Advanced Shopping Cart – If you plan to sell multiple resell rights products, then you can go crazy just keeping track of everything. You’ll need an advanced shopping cart that not only allows you to manage your product inventory, but also allow you to create cross-selling and up-selling functions easily. If possible it should also give you advanced features like download page protection, coupon and discounting systems, automatic shipping calculator and other useful feature. An example of a good investment would be
Credit Card Processor – To accept payment online, just having a Paypal or Stormpay account doesn’t quite cut it. You’ll need your own processors, and good ones are available from,, and a host of others for reasonable fees.
Ad Tracking Software – To measure exactly which of your marketing campaigns turn to cash, you need an ad tracker. This should come with your shopping cart system or autoresponder or both. Avoid paying for a dedicated ad tracking software if you can, because quite honestly it’s just a simple program that is sometimes over-hyped and over charged on the Internet.
Complete Web Hosting – As your reseller business grows, you’ll find the growing need to use third-party software and custom programming, so make sure you have all the basic standards covered: PHP, CGI, Perl, MySQL and Apache. Ask your Web host if these are already provided in your account. If it’s not, you may want to consider getting a “reseller Web hosting” account and resell the extra bandwidth as well.
Understanding Resell Rights
When purchasing a resell rights product, make sure you understand exactly what type of license it provides. Here are the basic four levels of rights you can obtain:
Level 1 = Resell Rights - You obtain the right to sell the product yourself, but you cannot allow your customers to sell it. If your customers want to sell the same product they need to purchase their own rights from the original author or publisher.
Level 2 = Master Resell Rights - You obtain the right to sell the product yourself, and your immediate customers can sell it as well. This goes down only two levels, and your customer’s customer does not have the right to resell the product. They should buy the rights from you.
Level 3 = Generic Resell Rights - Anyone who owns the product can sell the product and also sell the resell rights to the product.
Level 4 = Customization Rights - Customize, re-brand, or repackage the product. There are many levels to how much customization can be made, some even offering to replace their name with yours.
A owner or publisher can choose to sell basic Resell Rights to anyone he chooses. The customers who bought them now become Resell Rights Holders, and they can in turn sell the product to any end customer they want.
If you buy a Master Resell Rights from the owner, you can sell the product to the end customer directly, or you can sell basic Resell Rights to another business owner who can sell it to the end customer. A Resell Rights holder cannot sell the rights to the product at all. In Level 2, a Master Resell Rights Holder cannot directly sell Master Resell Rights; only the owner or publisher of the product can do this.
There types of Generic Resell Rights, anyone who buys the product can resell both the product itself, and the resell rights included, to unlimited levels deep. In this scenario as long as you have bought the product, you are given the rights to resell it. Generic Resell Rights are usually inseparable from the product itself; you cannot sell the product and the rights as two different packages.
Who does the customer buy from?
- The Owner / Publisher
- The Resell Rights Owner
- The Master Resell Rights Owner
- The Generic Resell Rights Owner
By offering a Generic Resell Rights, however, the owner makes both basic Resell Rights and Master Resell Rights redundant. Beware of sites that want to sell you Master Resell Rights when the product itself already comes with Generic Resell Rights, since this makes no sense at all.
Avoiding The Common Pitfalls
If you want to avoid stumbling into Reseller Hell, there are a few things you should check, double-check and triple check to make sure you’ve nailed it down.
Does the product have any real value? – Recently a lot of junk software and e-books are starting to clutter the market with one thing in common - they all come with master resell rights. Most of these products are low-quality sorry excuses for content or usability and the only reason they’re being sold in the first place is the irresistible notion that you own the rights to sell the product yourself. Go to Ebay and for less than five bucks you can buy over 500 products with resell rights. Doesn’t sound right, does it? A lot of authors also use it as a marketing ploy to spread their own name to all four corners of the Web.
Are people giving it away for free? – I once made the mistake of buying a resalable product only to realize that others are giving it away for free as a subscription bonus. If someone can get it fro free, why would they want to buy from you? This usually happens when the original author, either intentionally or by innocence, fails to specify any terms and conditions.
Does the product seller have resell rights? – Just because the owner of the Website claims that he does, it doesn’t mean that you should take his word. Check with the original publisher or author to determine if the seller owns the rights, and what type of rights he own.
Is the product compatible with your market? – If you focus on the golf market, buying the rights to an Internet marketing product will only spread your operations thinner and rob the overall Unique Selling Proposition of your business. Instead, focus only on buying the rights to related or complimentary products.
Are you selling the correct rights? – Based on the section above about types of resell rights, are you making the correct claim? For example, if you purchase master resell rights you can only sell basic resell rights to your customers. You cannot sell master resell rights yourself – only the original creator or publisher can do that.
Are the terms reasonable? – Some authors only allow you to sell their product as a standalone item, whereas others allow you to package or bundle it in any way you see fit. Some authors set a minimum selling price or standard selling price, others don’t. Read the terms to see if it’s reasonable before you buy the resell rights.
Do you have an inventory system? – Imagine if K-mart employees had to rely on their experience and instincts to tell you if a certain product is available and you get the picture. Keeping an inventory list of the name of the product, author, original selling price, recommended selling price, terms and conditions and other information will not only save loads of time, it will also help you sell better. Organize your collection into categories, sub-categories even as bundled packages. As mentioned above, a smart shopping cart system like can help you do this, albeit to a certain extent.
In part 2 of this article, we discuss how to find the “diamond” resalable product, and how to create advanced product packages.
Gobala Krishnan is a freelance writer for the IAHBE and a home based entrepreneur in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. His company helps frustrated and underpaid employees transform their passion into a profitable home based Internet business. For more info visit
Saturday, September 02, 2006
SFI's Discussion Board contains a WEALTH of valuable, straight-forward, and free training, advice, and tips from SFI affiliates around the globe. Be sure to stop by regularly for the latest posts!
This week's featured DBoard Thread:
How To Succeed Rapidly With Strong Future International (SFI)—Dboard moderator and SFI Team Leader "Bralland" shares his tips on creating an effective New Affiliate Welcome Letter that gets results.
Check out the thread here:
Business Loans Tips
Business Loans for Start-Ups: How to Get Approved
by Phil Trumble
Businesses have trouble securing financing at the best of times. Normally you have to have two to three years of solid financials before a money lender like a bank will even consider lending you money. Often you need to have a strong personal credit record to be eligible for a decent business loan from start-up. There are other lenders that offer business loans specifically for start-ups so the process is easier now than it was a decade ago. However, to stand the best chance of securing those much needed funds, follow these four steps to cement getting approved...
Read entire report:
NEW! How Offers Are Redeemed & Tracked
NOC's tracking and reporting system for redeeming coupons is very simple. As an NOC affiliate, you'll want to familiarize yourself with this process so you'll be better able to explain this easy system to your prospective merchants...
Read entire article:
Monday, August 28, 2006
Becoming an Executive Affiliate is simple and easy
2. Residual Income!
3. Leveraged Income!
4. Business Builder Bonuses up to $420!
5. Dynamic Compression Bonuses!
6. Unlimited ACPs!
7. Sponsorship Roll-Ups!
8. Lock in your T-Net position
9. Access to Eagle Co-op!
10. Access to Contact Manager!
11. VIP business tools!
12. Bonus SVP!
Becoming an Executive Affiliate is simple and easy:
To become an Executive Affiliate (EA), you simply need to generate 10 SVP (Sales Volume Points) anytime during the month. Your 10 SVP can come from any of these five methods:
A. Purchase SFI products for your own consumption or resale to others.
B. Retail sales of SFI products. Just one sale a month can easily qualify you.
C. Use money-saving coupons from
D. Refer others to coupons
E. Purchase a “Business-in-a-Box”
Ready to “go executive?” Click the above links for the specific details for each of the five available methods. Note! For immediate EA qualification, choose method “A” or “E.”
• Seeing is Believing. Take a brief photo tour of SFI facilities
• SFI Explained...In 60 Seconds• See what others are saying about SFI
• Compare SFI to other business opportunities
• FAQ's (Frequently-Asked Questions)
• Smart Start Training
To qualify as an EXECUTIVE AFFILIATE (EA), you simply need to generate at least 10 SVP (Sales Volume Points) during the month. This can easily be achieved with just ONE sale to a retail customer, friend, or family member.
Sales Volume can also include a personal IAHBE Membership or purchases from the SFI Affiliate Store (for personal consumption or for resale).
Non-EA affiliates are eligible to earn only Seller's Commissions from retail sales (sales to non-SFI affiliates) equal to 40% of Commissional Volume for the SFI product sold. But as an Executive Affiliate, you DOUBLE your commissions to 80% of CV and open yourself up to multiple income streams through SFI's T-Net compensation system.
NOTE! EA status can be acquired immediately at the SFI Affiliate Store
Where can I go to advance to Executive Affiliate status immediately?Simply click HERE to become an EA right away.
I need more details on what becoming an EA means.More information about EA status can be found in the SFI Compensation Plan. For a definition of EA, access the SFI Glossary. Or, review EA qualifications HERE.
EA via Personal Purchase(s)
SFI has hundreds of great products. Each one has an SVP value assigned to it. Your 10 SVP can include personal purchases (for your own consumption or for resale to others).
Click here to go to a listing of popular 10 SVP products that qualify you as an EA immediately.
Click here for our listing of “VIP" products. By setting up a VIP order, not only will you become an EA immediately, you'll also qualify for SFI's Wholesale Program, which allows you to buy top SFI products at up to 56% off!
Special note: SVP earned from personal purchases can be combined with SVP earned from retail sales, NOC coupon referrals, and/or NOC personal coupon useage. Any combination totaling 10 SVP or more qualifies you as an EA for the month
Qualify For Wholesale Pricing AND Get EA Qualified!
ALERT: Our records indicate that you already have a VIP Package Standing Order and are already a Power Retailer and qualified for wholesale pricing on select SFI products.
To modify/change your VIP Order, click HERE to access your Standing Order page.
VIP Power Retailer Packages...
10 SVP -
IAHBE VALUEPAKS - Save up to 56% right now!
10 SVP -
IAHBE Membership Only
10 SVP -
Veriuni Advanced Liquid Nutrition
10 SVP -
Veriuni Advanced Antioxidant W/Red Wine Extract
10 SVP -
Affiliate Mastery
10 SVP -
Liquid Nutrition/Anti-Oxidant Bundle
Being an EA (Executive Affiliate) is critical if you want to maximize your success with SFI. But the best way to advance to EA status is, by far, with one of our VIP Power Retailer Packages, which instantly grants you wholesale pricing on select SFI products.
Once you've set up your VIP order, all these benefits are yours:
Save big money through the SFI Power Retailer Program. Get top SFI products at up to 56% off regular retail prices! NOTE: Wholesale pricing on both individual and case quantities becomes available immediately to you upon submitting your VIP order. You'll see your new prices reflected on qualifying products when you visit the Affiliate Store.Tip: Choose one of the special bundled ValuPaks below and save 56% off your VIP order right now!
Convenience. A one-month supply of your favorite SFI product(s) delivered to your doorstep every month...automatically! (Not applicable on digital products)
You'll automatically be an EA every month. No need to worry about requalifying every month, missing out on valuable commissions, or losing your position in the T-Net network.
You'll gain access to multiple income streams (including Leveraged Income); product discounts; and time-saving, business-building tools:
Your Seller's Commissions will DOUBLE!
You can earn a Business Builder bonus of $30 for every EA you develop! PLUS...for every Team Leader you develop, you'll earn Business Builder Bonuses of up to $150. Up to $420 in total Business Builder Bonuses on each of your personally sponsored affiliates! (See comp plan for details.)
You'll get FREE access to SFI's powerful Contact Manager for automatic ("autoresponder") messaging and fast, efficient "1-click" communications with your entire sales team. A $239 annual value.
You will have access to Eagle Co-op, SFI's international advertising co-op.
You'll gain FREE access to dozens of additional valuable business-building tools and exclusive resources designed to assure your success.
And much more! Click here to learn more about what Executive Affiliate status can do for you!
For more information about SFI's Power Retailer Program, see the following resources:
Earn Money And Build Your Business With The SFI Power Retailer Program
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Getting Yourself Set For Success In SFI
Getting Yourself Set For Success In SFI
An important part of operating ANY business is to make sure you have the knowledge and direction you need to proceed efficiently and effectively.
![]() | For help building your SFI team and business, SFI's Eagle Co-op program is a resource you won't want to miss out on! Eagle can help you build your business while creating a POWERFUL GROUP of leaders and affiliates—all for only about $1.48 a day! Located in the Resources Directory, you can find out more about this business-building resource here: |
![]() | Don't run your business in the dark! Stay informed, get educated, and discover exactly how you go about launching and running a home business in today's market with the following SFI resources and reports: |
- International Association of Home-Business Entrepreneurs — New tools and resources each week and immediate access to over 300 reports, tutorials, exclusive articles, reviews, money-saving deals, free specials, and more for less than $1 a day! an IAHBE member, you'll receive up to 56% off select SFI products and receive $1,000 in bonus business tools just for trying out the Association!
- Free Marketing Aids— Includes marketing tips & advice, along with instructions for adding SFI banner ads and links to your own personal and/or business Website. (NOTE: For more help using HTML on your Website, check out this great HTML tutorial for beginners:
- SFI New Affiliate Communication — Keeping your marketing and communication efforts in synch with the automatic messages SFI sends to your new SFI affilliates and prospects can drastically increase your team performance and upgrades.
- Daily Network Growth Recap—The day after new affiliates confirm their desire to join SFI, they begin receiving a daily Network Growth Recap (NGR) e-mail. For 29 days, affiliates learn of all the new affiliates who have been placed under them. About the 25th of every month, SFI also sends to Executive Affiliates an EA version of the recap, which contains information about the number of affiliates who have joined their network so far for the month from Eagle Co-op, etc.
Click the following link to review common questions and answers about making the NGR work for you:
You can review the NGR message sent to new affiliates, here:
- Daily Network Growth Recap—The day after new affiliates confirm their desire to join SFI, they begin receiving a daily Network Growth Recap (NGR) e-mail. For 29 days, affiliates learn of all the new affiliates who have been placed under them. About the 25th of every month, SFI also sends to Executive Affiliates an EA version of the recap, which contains information about the number of affiliates who have joined their network so far for the month from Eagle Co-op, etc.
- SFI Business Tools—Tools & aids specifically developed to help you build your business and prospect and attract people interested in starting their own home-based business—located in the Business Tools section of the SFI Affiliate Resource Center:
- NEW! Business-in-a-Box: This complete (NOC) package provides you with everything you need to immediately start contacting and signing up merchants for NOC. Includes all of following materials, plus a special guide containing directions, tips, and ideas to start building a highly lucrative NOC merchant clientele:
(NOTE: To more about and how you can earn a lucrative income giving away coupons, click HERE.)
- NOC Full-Color Merchant Prospecting Cards (100)
- NOC Blank 2-Color Letterheads (100)
- NOC #10 2-Color Envelopes (100)
- NOC Merchant Registration Forms (50)
- NOC Merchant Create-A-Coupon Forms (50)
- "One more thing" United Bank Card Fliers (100)
- Camera-Ready Masters Set (1)
- NOC Full-Color Fundraiser Overview Cards (5)
- Nonprofit Organization SFI Affiliate Registration Forms (5)
- NOC Full-Color Merchant Prospecting Cards (100)
- 'Welcome to SFI' Self-Mailer: For the new SFI affiliate, this 16-page, 5.75" x 9" booklet features a glossy, full-color cover. Inside, it features a personal welcome from SFI founder, Gery Carson; frequently-asked questions about SFI; a chart comparing SFI to other business opportunities; an overview of SFI products; a "next steps" checklist; a two-page spread on the benefits of becoming an Executive Affiliate (EA); and more. To review a complete copy of the New Affiliate Mailer, you can download a PDF version of it here. Please note that the PDF is for review only; copying the PDF is not allowed.
- Home Business Revolution Mailer: This exciting 16-page, 5.75" x 9" self-mailer is designed to introduce the SFI opportunity to your prospects. HBR features a glossy, full-color cover, and two-color printing on the interior pages. It features a message from SFI Founder, Gery Carson; frequently-asked questions about SFI; a chart comparing SFI to other business opportunities; a two-page overview of SFI products; a presentation of the "T-Net" compensation plan; and more. As a special bonus, HBR also includes a valuable coupon that your prospect can mail in for a FREE copy of our 148-page book, "The Home Business Revolution's Greatest Entrepreneurs, Volume 2." To review a complete copy of HBR, you can download a PDF version of it here. Please note that the PDF is for review only; copying the PDF is not allowed
- Eagle Co-Op—Build Your SFI Business for just $1.48 a day!
- NEW! Business-in-a-Box: This complete (NOC) package provides you with everything you need to immediately start contacting and signing up merchants for NOC. Includes all of following materials, plus a special guide containing directions, tips, and ideas to start building a highly lucrative NOC merchant clientele:
- Business-Building Advice, Tips, & More — Put the power of home-business knowledge to work for you NOW. Check out this powerful business library.
![]() | For more direction, help, and answers to your questions about SFI, check out the following resources: |
- SFI Help Desk...FAQs, Sponsor, and Team Leader contact information, Customer Support, and more—
- SFI Discussion Board...Get help, advice, and tips from SFI Affiliates around the globe!—
- SFI Quick Links (PDF document)
Download this print-friendly PDF of easy-to-remember shortcuts to important pages here at the SFI Affiliate Resource Center.
To help you succeed, SFI offers lots of features especially designed for our international business owners, including:
A Currency Converter - Converts prices and shipping charges listed at the SFI Affiliate Store from U.S. Dollars to Euros, U.K. Pounds, Canadian Dollars, Australian Dollars, Japanese Yen, Russian Rubles, and Mexican Pesos. Although all SFI transactions are processed in U.S. Dollars, this feature enables you to get a better idea of the final cost.
Spanish Translation at SFIMG.COM - A handy option for our Spanish-speaking affiliates to view text on the entire Affiliate Center ( in their native language (other language translations are coming soon). After logging in, look for the translator logo at the bottom of the Web page.
Numerous Translations at NOC - Provided by WorldLingo, text translations from English to Greek, Dutch, Russian, Spanish, Portugese, Italian, German, and/or French are available for the entire Website ( You can find this option at the bottom of the NOC Web pages.
30 Payment Options - For our international affiliates without credit cards, these payment options (including PayPal, e-gold, GoldMoney, Paynova Paymate, and more) make it easier than ever to order products and services from your own store. For a complete listing, go to:
Spanish Gateway Website, Sign-Up Page, and Confirmation E-Mail - A Spanish-language version of the Free Gateway, the most popular SFI Gateway, is a basic Website outlining in simple terms the exciting benefits of becoming an SFI home-business owner. Those who choose to join are then taken to a sign-up form in Spanish. In addition, a short time later, a special e-mail in Spanish is sent to the new prospect, asking them to confirm their desire to join SFI. You can view all your Gateway Websites at:
Three-Month Payment Option For International IAHBE members - Affiliates living outside the U.S. can opt to join the International Association of Home-Business Entrepreneurs (IAHBE)—and gain valuable EA status—via a one-month or three-month payment with Stratocash or PayPal, as well as a check or money order. Upon arriving at the IAHBE page at the Affiliate Store, you'll see this option to become a member and become an EA:
Articles For International Affiliates - International IAHBE members have access to numerous articles, how-tos, and other resources specifically targeted to business owners outside the U.S. (Look for other international-focused articles at the SFI Affiliate Center soon.)
IAHBE GLOBAL SNEAK PEAK: Clickbank & PayPal: How To Profit In Malaysia & Other Countries Where Using These Programs Are A Challenge—If you operate a business outside the U.S., then you’ve probably heard about it: you are going to face an uphill challenge using Clickbank, Paypal and most other services critical to your success as a home-based business entrepreneur. Although this guide is written with online Malaysian entrepreneurs in in mind, the same principles apply for business owners in other countries as well...
ClickBucks opportunity - Many international SFI affiliates use this method to build commissions. By using your ClickBucks (CB) Gateway, you can earn $2 per new SFI affiliate generated, plus $1 CV and .5 SVP per. For important information about ClickBucks, see:
Numerous Products For Your International Store Shelves - SFI offers affiliates a wide range of products and services you can offer both your local and global customers, including several no-hassle, all-digital products you can sell to anyone with a computer, anywhere. Not only can you gain easy EA status but you and your customers can also aquire the product INSTANTLY and without additional shipping costs:
(NOTE: For a complete list of SFI products/services, go to the Affiliate Store -
IAHBE—(10 SVP) Great Standing Order option! Instant EA status; resources, instruction, and tools to build a great home-business.
IAHBE Toolbox —(10 SVP) Virtually every marketing tool you'll need in one affordable package.
VeryVIP International Reseller's Sitebuilder—(10 SVP) A complete Web publishing and online business solution designed for SFI Affiliates who want to gain EA status and build their businesses without incurring international shipping charges. PLUS...they'll gain access to the most powerful digital tools to promote their SFI businesses! Just scroll down in the product description to Option #4.
21st Century Prospecting—(10 SVP) Discover what "prospecting pros" do to make a killing in network marketing.
Mining Gold—(10 SVP) Profit from the "quick cash" secrets of a street smart Internet millionaire.
Affiliate Mastery—(10 SVP) One-on-one training with a successful Internet marketing "guru." (Available only to SFI Affiliates)
Great Domainia—(5 SVP) Get a domain name at a price you and your customers will love!
Build Income Through Local Coupons And Merchants - SFI's program lets you make money signing up local merchants and passing out coupons to your friends, family, and customers living in your area. For more information about NOC, go to, or sign into the NOC affiliate area at
Toll-Free Access To Monthly Team Leader (TL) Conference Calls - Canadian TLs can join our monthly TL Conference Calls via a special toll-free number. Other international affiliates have another special number for access. Look in your e-mail inboxes for Conference Call announcements, phone number, and PIN. Can't join the call? You can listen to recordings of past conference calls here:
Local SFI Affiliate Search - Find out how many SFI Affiliates are living in your country. A useful tool for letting your NOC merchants know the number of SFI affiliates in your area who are ready to promote NOC coupons and offers. You can also impress your incoming affiliates with the fact that SFI is already established in your area.
Marketing Resource: An excellent marketing solution for international SFI affiliates, Skype lets you follow up with your prospects and customers with free & low-cost phone calls from your computer. Learn more HERE.
Global Order Acceptance: SFI accepts PayPal, credit card, and other payment methods for product orders from affiliates in the following countries. This could help your team-building efforts tremendously as you prospect potential SFI team members around the globe! (NOTE: Orders for products prohibited for shipment by your specific country's customs laws cannot be processed.)
Take a few moments now to check out these and other features, resources, and tools at the SFI Affiliate Center. And keep your eye out for more resources specially designed for SFI International Affiliates.
As SFI continues to grow, so too will the number of affiliates, just like you, living outside the U.S and looking to start a home business of their own. Don't miss out on your chance to build a successful business of your own while spreading the word in your area about this unique opportunity