Sunday, January 04, 2009

10 steps to making money in SFI

The best way to build a thriving business is to take it one step at a time. Post the following 10 steps to making money in SFI in a prominent place on your wall as a constant reminder of your willingness to succeed...and encourage your team members to do the same!

Sell SFI's products and services by advertising your Gateway Websites.

Recruit new affiliates into your network by advertising your Gateway Websites.

Upgrade yourself to Executive Affiliate (EA) status as soon as you can—10 SVP per month, anyway you like it.

Upgrade yourself to Team Leader (TL) status as soon as you can. See SFI Compensation Plan for more details.)

Monitor your network to ensure as many of your affiliates as possible become EAs as soon as possible.

Monitor your network to ensure as many of your EAs as possible become Team Leaders as soon as possible.

Pass these steps you're reading right now on to each person in your team, preferably as soon as they come on board.

Check out the SFI products or services of your choice. Your actions will help the company and your own business thrive.

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