Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sure-Fire Method! Make over $60,000/year in less than 1 year! Exact process revealed with SFI

Wouldn't you like to be making $60,000+/year this time next year? Read how to do it below!

Here's a plan guaranteed to make you a big success in SFI, in a short period of time, evidence you can't ignore.

It's emphasis is contained within SFI's Network Builder Program, where you join a team of highly committed Executive Affiliates, all team members using teamwork and cooperating with each other, each member of the team focusing on a plan.

It's a very workable and easily understood plan that if you and they follow totally is guaranteed to make you each a big success, soon making more money than you ever believed possible, using SFI's amazing system.

The SFI Network Builder Program is just one of the fantastic, yet realistic and powerful ways that you can make money with SFI. There are several more ways SFI gives you to make money, and you should investigate these as well, sometime soon.

But for now, here in this document, let's concentrate on the SFI Network Builder Program.

Did you notice that I've used the word guaranteed twice so far? There's a reason for that.

It's to convince you and assure you that if you commit to it, this plan can work for you, and it will work for you, if you and your team faithfully do what it says to do.

If you adopt the plan, if you perform the 3 steps it requires for success, if you share this plan with your own team, it's guaranteed to work, if your team also cooperates, commits to the plan, and works together with you, each of you doing your small part to ensure the plan delivers what it promises.

I want you to trust me, because now I'm going to show you how for just $2.50 per day, or less, (which is at most merely $75 per month), in just one year, in which you spend no more than $900, at the end of that year, you can be earning over $5,000 per month, which means you'll have an income of more than $60,000 per year!

And, icing on the cake, I'll reveal how your income can double in the following year, and amazingly double again in the years after that.

Further, each succeeding member of your team, following your example, will achieve the same thing, if they like you follow the plan!

Interested? Still with me?

I'm going to show you now exactly how easy and quick the results of this plan are to accomplish. I'm going to reveal to you the secret, what you must do to get this done in only 3 simple, easy to perform steps.

Statistics and polls show that most people want to work from home and be financially set with more money than they're currently making. Plus being your own boss with more free time for doing what you want to do is a close runner-up.

I think these reasons are probably why you joined SFI.

You want SFI to give you a way to be a success, to earn a massive income, and to do it in time for it to do you some good.

Isn't that true for you?

Are you ready now for me to let you in on the secret? To show you the plan? Yes? OK, here it is, the 3 step process.

Step 1) First, set up a Standing Order for yourself to SFI's amazingly helpful and highly useful marketing and information resource IAHBE. This subscription costs you just $29.95 each month. It makes you an Executive Affiliate. It locks in your position in SFI's company Powerline. You get an Executive Bonus which makes your effective cost for IAHBE only about $20. Most importantly, becoming EA makes you eligible for a possible monthly income of $5,000 or more by this time next year.

Optional Alternative To Step 1
Of course, you can be EA however you want, either by buying your choice of products or selling them retail to people not yet in SFI. Fact is you can be EA without buying a thing by using one or more of the many other ways SFI gives you to do that. But whatever you choose, it's essential that you be EA.

2) Second, join SFI's EyeEarn Advertising Co-op. This costs you just $20.00 one-time for life. EyeEarn causes new affiliates, sponsored by you, to be deposited into your ever-increasing downline every month. These people, having become exposed to SFI and this plan that you share with them, will follow your example and become EA, if you and they do what the plan is asking you each to do.

Optional Alternative To Step 2
Of course, you can market the SFI business opportunity any way you want, or sell SFI's products retail, and get new affiliates in your downline that way, if you choose. You can buy EyeEarn Co-op shares but it's not required. The important thing is to have as many new affiliates as you can placed on your team each month so that most of them become EA during the month.

3) Lastly, share this document with every affiliate you've personally sponsored, your PSAs. It is recommended that you do this on at least a weekly basis. This is quite easy to do by using the group email facility you can find at your Genealogy webpage to email them this document or the link to it.

Follow up, keep after them until they see the possiblities. Help them understand what can be realized for them when they join your EA team.

Show them, using the words in this document, that they can turn no more than a $900 yearly expense into more than a $60,000 per year income!

This means that for, at most, a measly $75 a month investment, their cumulative return for the year can turn out to be over 100 times what they spend for the year! Exciting? You better believe it is!

There you have it! The 3 step process that can make you and each EA member of your team a big success in SFI.

What Can Happen For You Now

A very attainable goal, achieved by using and showing this plan, is a minimum of 10 EAs sponsored by you each month, at least 10 new EAs coming to work with you on your ever-growing team.

Immediately you'll be a Team Leader earning lucrative Executive Matches and Team Matches, in addition to your guaranteed commission, your monthly Executive Bonus for being EA.

All you and your team of EAs have to do is cooperate to get this done.

Don't concern yourself with how converting 10 affiliates to EA each month is going to happen. The document you've just been reading will be a major tool that you can use, indeed must use, regularly, to get it done.

Now see the proof, what 10 EAs added to your team each month does for you.

The following figures come from SFI's Earnings Calculator which you can see and use for yourself on the Comp Plans webpage, near the bottom of the page, at the SFI Affiliate Center.

T-NET 2.0 Compensation Plan Earnings Calculator (10x10)
Based on the information you entered, your estimated commissions will be:

$279.00 per month after 6 months ($3,348.00/yr)
$5,301.00 per month after 12 months ($63,612.00/yr) <<<=== Look at this!
$11,835.00 per month after 18 months ($142,020.00/yr) <<<=== Your income DOUBLES!
$20,961.00 per month after 24 months ($251,532.00/yr) <<<=== And it DOUBLES AGAIN!

There you have it - solid proof that what this plan can deliver for you is absolutely true!

It doesn't get much better than this. If you commit to this plan, and you regularly perform the 3 steps I've just covered for you, by this time next year you can be earning more than your doctor or lawyer, embarrassing to them, but exciting for you.

This plan works! It's the way most of SFI's leaders have reached their lofty position.

And you can join us. Yes, I'm one of them, a Team Leader in SFI. I'm using this plan. And I'm seeing for myself that it works, which is why I wanted to share it with you and asked you at the top of this document to trust me.

Will you now do what it takes for you to be EA and join our team of winners?

You will if you believe me. And you'll soon be glad that you did!

Bottomline, for this plan to work for you, you must be an Executive Affiliate now, and you must remain an Executive Affiliate during the coming year.

You must find ways to sponsor new EAs into SFI (you get lots of help with that from SFI).

And you must share this information with your PSAs, often, in fact I think daily is not too much.

Why do this last part? So the person reading this plan will see their need to be EA and a member of your team, if she/he wants to share in the rewards that SFI will deliver to you and each of your EA team members.

I've given you some suggestions, and I've freely given you a working plan. You now have the knowledge you need to succeed.

Your upline has sent you this document and shared the plan with you. They have invited you to be part of a team of leaders. And you are being encouraged to follow and use this plan to get what you want from SFI.

You now know the secret to success in SFI. Use this secret, and share it with your team!

Can you do it? I believe you can! I know you can!

So... are you ready to go?
I think it's time for you to become an Executive Affiliate.
It's time for you to do what it takes to be EA, to start earning your own massive income.

What do you think?
Don't miss out on what could be the most astonishing and fun adventure of your life!

Your team will help you, and each of your leaders is counting on your support.

You've trusted me. I'm trusting that you will do right by yourself today and become SFI's newest EA team member.

You can start here.

Did you ignore this opportunity which can make you rich?
Then you might want to see a doctor.
You need a check up from the neck up!

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