Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Lots of ways to earn money with SFI

You can buy what you want of SFI's products and services for yourself instead of buying them from some other company.
(as an Executive Affiliate you get up to a 56% discount AND SFI quality and concentrations AND lots of extra EA benefits too)

This is called replacement buying, and you have absolutely zero out-of-pocket costs when you do it! It's really EA for free!
Yes, that's' right! Effectively, it's becoming an Executive Affiliate every month for FREE! Now how very nice is that?

Then teach the affiliates you sponsor to do what you're doing... buy only what you want/need, and only from SFI.
Doing this every month makes each of your team members an EA and eventually Team Leaders (minimum of 5 sponsored EAs).

You can make retail sales of SFI's products and services.
(easy to do, especially so after you've found out that you're super-pleased with what you've bought from SFI)
Go here to see how easy and lucrative retail sales can be, even if you've never done it, or think you can't sell.
Retailing SFI's Products and Services - Learn To Earn

You can be an EyeEarn participant to get free affiliates and free money every month, from then on, forever.
(it's especially important that ALL your affiliates enroll as EyeEarn/MaxMalls Network participants; all it costs them is $20, ever)

Affiliates, sponsored in your name, end up on your team, and extra income from MaxMalls appears in your commission, both of these monthly. After your initial one-time purchase for an EyeEarn Kit, there is no more cost to you, ever!
Be an EyeEarner, prepare NOW! EyeEarn Advertising Network is for EVERY SFI Affiliate!

You can sell TuneFlow song packages to music enthusiasts.

You can buy SFI's consumer goods wholesale and resell them.

You can sell tons of magazines to people who like to read them.

You can enroll people in IAHBE, SFI's International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs.

You can sell SFI's technical services to folks who need them.

You can make money by producing new affiliates using SFI's ClickBucks program.

You can go to flea markets on weekends and tell folks all about SFI and its products and services, all of them.

You can pass out SFI opportunity flyers, product flyers, X-Cards, E-Cards, EyeEarn applications, and more.

You can wear your EyeEarn T-Shirt everywhere you go, and when people ask "what's up with that?", tell them, and give them an X-Card with your SFI ID number on it.

You can tell your affiliates why you became EA and why they should be EA too.

You can sponsor multiple EAs in any one business month; 2 or more gets you doubled Executive Match bonuses.

You can become a Team Leader by sponsoring only 5 EAs. Then you qualify for highly lucrative Team Match bonuses.

You can teach your team of affiliates (your EA/TL prospects) how to do all the above, and why.

OK, over 15 ways I came up with just off the top of my head. Likely there are more that I missed. If I think of more, I'll add them.

So... Take your pick, one or more, even all if you want - http://www.sfimg.com/CompPlan.sfi/
What YOU can earn with SFI Compensation Plans - Synopsis & Simplified Explanation <<<=== click here

There's lots of advice on why and how to do each of these things, both at the SFI Affiliate Center and here at the SFI Discussion Board from other affiliates who know because they have done them successfully, over and over.

Focus on what interests you most, read what others have advised about doing it (or them), and then get busy following their examples. You'll be earning fistfuls of money in no time!

Oh, one more. Pass all this information on to your affiliates or direct them to this thread. It likely will be useful to them as well as you! Because for you and them it's just one more very good reason
Why You Should Visit The SFI Affiliate Center And The SFI Discussion Board Every Day! <<<=== click here

SFI Training Library - https://www.sfimg.com/Training/showIndex.sfi

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